





Diversity of ground-dwelling beetles in natural broad-leaved mixed forest-young Pinus koraiensis plantation forest ecotone

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    为明确天然林及其毗邻退耕还林地的地表甲虫群落结构及多样性特征,验证交错区边缘效应是否存在及其强弱,确定人工林在保护生物多样性方面的作用,为森林近自然经营提供指导。在2017-2018年的4-9月,以天然阔叶混交林(简称"阔叶混交林")及其毗邻人工红松幼龄林(简称"红松人工林")交界处为中心,向两侧延伸120m,并每隔30m设置1个样点,交错区为中心处样点及30m处样点,共设置3条样带,采用巴氏罐诱捕法持续诱捕地表甲虫。共采集地表甲虫6990头,隶属于30科124属178种,其中,阔叶混交林113种,交错区125种,红松人工林134种,3种生境共有物种79种。Hill多样性指数表明,3种生境的物种数、常见物种数和优势物种数均表现为红松人工林 > 交错区 > 阔叶混交林。步甲科Carabidae和花金龟科Cetoniidae个体数与物种数在不同生境中均差异显著(P < 0.05),埋葬甲科Silphidae个体数在不同生境中差异显著(P < 0.05),在同一生境内不同优势科个体数与物种数均差异显著(P < 0.05)。达乌里干葬甲Aclypea daurica、沟步甲Carabus canaliculatus、黑圆嗡蜣螂Onthophagus ater、黑斑锥胸叩甲Ampedus sanguinolentus、圆角梨须步甲Synuchus orbicollis个体数在不同生境中差异显著(P < 0.05)。Margalef指数和Shannon指数表现为红松人工林显著高于阔叶混交林(P < 0.05)。置换多元方差分析和非度量多维尺度分析结果表明,3种生境群落结构间差异显著(P < 0.05),相似性百分比结果表明,阔叶混交林和红松人工林平均相异度最高,其次为红松人工林和交错区,阔叶混交林和交错区最低,贡献大于0.01物种分别解释其48.18%、43.16%、39.64%的异质性。Jaccard相似性系数表明3种生境间地表甲虫物种组成均为中等相似。边缘效应指数表明研究区地表甲虫表现出较弱的正效应。天然阔叶混交林-人工红松幼龄林交错区内不同生境群落结构存在异质性,红松人工林地表甲虫多样性方面接近于阔叶混交林,说明人工经营林分可具有良好的生态效益,但群落组成上的差异表明红松人工林无法取代阔叶混交林。


    This study seeks to identify the community structure and diversity of ground-dwelling beetles in natural forests and adjacent restored farmland, examine the presence and intensity of the edge effect in the ecotone, and assess the contribution of plantation forests to the protection of biological diversity. The results will provide guidance for forest management that aligns closely with nature. From April to September in 2017 and 2018, the research was focused on the boundary between the natural broad-leaved mixed forest and the young Pinus koraiensis plantation forest, extending 120 meters on both sides, with sampling points established every 30 meters. The ecotone is marked by the central sampling point and another 30 meters away, with three transects in total where ground-dwelling beetles were continuously captured using the pitfall trapping method. A total of 6,990 ground-dwelling beetles were collected, representing 30 families, 124 genera, and 178 species. The species counts were 113 in the broad-leaved mixed forest, 125 in the ecotone, and 134 in the P. koraiensis plantation forest, with 79 species shared across all three habitats. Hill diversity indexes indicated that the number of species, common species, and dominant species in the three habitats were ranked as follows: P. koraiensis plantation forest > ecotone > broad-leaved mixed forest. Significant differences were observed in both the number of individuals and species of Carabidae and Cetoniidae across the habitats (P < 0.05), as well as in the number of individuals of Silphidae (P < 0.05). There were notable variations in the number of individuals and species of dominant families within the same habitat (P < 0.05). The individual counts of Aclypea daurica, Carabus canaliculatus, Onthophagus ater, Ampedus sanguinolentus, and Synuchus orbicollis significantly differed across habitats (P < 0.05). The Margalef and Shannon indexes indicated that the P. koraiensis plantation forests have significantly higher diversity than the broad-leaved mixed forests (P < 0.05). The results from PERMANOVA and NMDS showed significant differences in community structure across the three habitats (P < 0.05), and SIMPER analysis reveals the highest mean dissimilarity between the broad-leaved mixed forest and the P. koraiensis plantation forest, followed by the dissimilarity between the P. koraiensis plantation forest and the ecotone, and the lowest between the broad-leaved mixed forest and the ecotone. Species contributing more than 0.01 accounted for 48.18%, 43.16%, and 39.64% of the heterogeneity in each respective habitat. The Jaccard similarity coefficient indicated moderate similarity in species composition of ground-dwelling beetles across the three habitats. The edge effect index revealed a slight positive effect among the ground-dwelling beetles in the study area. The community structure demonstrated heterogeneity in the ecotone between the natural broad-leaved mixed forest and the P. koraiensis plantation forest. The diversity of ground-dwelling beetles in the P. koraiensis plantation forest was similar to that in the broad-leaved mixed forest, suggesting a beneficial ecological impact on the plantation. However, the differences in community composition indicated that the P. koraiensis plantation forest cannot substitute the broad-leaved mixed forest.



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