





Effects of short-term warming and amounts of residue return on soil organic carbon in black soils of Northeast China

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    秸秆覆盖还田保护性耕作已成为提升黑土有机碳的有效措施之一。随着全球气候变暖,土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon, SOC)矿化增加,秸秆覆盖还田是否可以弥补因矿化而损失的有机碳量,对应的合理还田量也成为亟待回答的问题。已有研究表明,与土壤总有机碳相比,有机碳组分可以更好地表征农田管理措施与气候变化协同对土壤有机碳周转及稳定性的影响,对预测气候变暖下东北黑土有机碳的固存有着重要意义。研究基于开顶式气室(Open Top Chamber, OTC)田间原位模拟实验,分析了增温与不同秸秆还田量下SOC及其组分的变化,包括土壤活性碳组分,即可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon, DOC)、微生物量碳(Microbial biomass carbon, MBC)、颗粒态有机碳(Particulate organic carbon, POC),以及土壤稳定性碳组分,即矿物结合碳(Mineral-associated organic carbon, MAOC)。结果表明,单一因素作用下,增温对SOC含量无显著影响,但显著降低了DOC和POC含量,并且显著增加了MBC和MAOC含量,其中POC组分变化量大于MAOC;秸秆还田量对SOC和MAOC含量影响不显著,秸秆覆盖还田后POC含量降低,但不同还田量之间无显著差异。增温后秸秆的添加对SOC含量无显著影响,增加了MBC含量,降低了DOC含量,增温后30%秸秆还田量对MAOC含量的促进效果最为显著,POC含量在增温后随着秸秆还田量的增加而增加;增温对不同秸秆还田量下SOC的解释度高达12.8%,同时也是各组分的主要影响因素,并且增温主要是通过影响秸秆还田土壤中POC组分,进而改变SOC含量,且POC变化量对SOC变化量解释度达39.9%。短期环境变化下SOC及其组分主要受增温的影响,其中POC作为对环境更敏感的组分,对SOC的变化影响更大。


    Conservation tillage with residue covered has become one of the effective measures to increase organic carbon in black soil. With global warming, the mineralization of soil organic carbon (SOC) increases. Whether residue covered can make up for the amount of organic carbon lost due to mineralization, and the optimal amount of residue return need to be answered. It is well documented that organic carbon fractions, compared to total SOC, can better characterize the effects of agricultural management measures and climate change on SOC turnover and stability. It is of great significance for predicting SOC storage in black soil of Northeast China after global warming. Based on the Open Top Chamber (OTC) field in-situ experiment, this study analyzed the changes in SOC and its fractions under warming and amounts of residue returning to the field. The SOC fractions include dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC). The results showed that warming had no significant effect on SOC content, significantly decreased the contents of DOC and POC, and significantly increased the contents of MBC and MAOC, while the change of POC fraction was greater than that of MAOC; The amount of residue returning to the field had no significant effect on SOC and MAOC content, and POC content decreased after residue mulching, but there was no significant difference between amounts of residue return. After warming, the addition of maize residue had no significant effect on SOC content, but increased MBC content and decreased DOC content, MAOC content increased at 30%, and POC content increased with the increase of amounts of residue return. The explanation of SOC by warming was as high as 12.8%, and warming was also the main explanation factor of each fraction. Warming mainly changed SOC content by affecting POC from different amounts of residue return, and explained 39.9% POC variation. Consequently, in the short-term environmental changes SOC and its fractions were mainly affected by warming, and POC, as a more sensitive fraction to the environment, had a greater impact on the change of SOC.



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