





The impact of vegetation cover on summer urban heat island effect in China from 2001 to 2021

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    研究城市热岛强度和城乡植被覆盖度的时空变化格局,探究城乡植被覆盖对城市热岛效应的影响,是制定基于自然途径缓解城市热岛效应的重要基础。利用MOD11A2地表温度(LST)产品和MOD13A2增强植被指数(EVI)产品,结合Mann-Kendall非参数检验、Theil-Sen斜率估计探究2001—2021年中国311个城市热岛强度和城乡植被覆盖度的时空变化格局,运用Spearman相关分析和线性回归分析探究城市热岛强度(SUHII)和城乡植被覆盖度差值(ΔEVI)的关系。结果表明:(1)夏季白天和夜间城市热岛强度分别以0.05 ℃/a和0.02 ℃/a的速率显著增长(slope>0,P < 0.05);(2)城市建成区和乡村地区夏季EVI分别以0.0006/a和0.0027/a的速率显著增长(slope>0,P < 0.05),城市建成区EVI增长速率小于乡村地区;(3)夏季白天城市热岛强度随着城乡植被覆盖度差值(ΔEVI)的降低而增强,速率为0.48 ℃/ΔEVI,在全国范围内,城乡植被覆盖度差值(ΔEVI)可解释城市热岛强度变化的34%。(4)中国城市热岛主要增强模式为城市建成区地表温度增长速率快于乡村地区,在这些城市中,56.16%的城市ΔEVI变化模式为EVIurban下降而EVIrural上升,40.41%的城市ΔEVI变化模式为EVIurban和EVIrural均上升。2001—2021年,尽管中国城乡植被覆盖均呈显著增加趋势,但夏季城市昼夜热岛强度均显著增强。因此,在城市化不断演进与气候变化加剧叠加的背景下,加大城乡植被建设力度,特别是扩大城市建成区森林植被面积、增加城市绿量,缩小城乡植被的差异可以有效缓解城市热岛效应。


    Studying the spatial and temporal patterns of surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) and vegetation cover in urban built-up areas and rural areas, and exploring the impact of vegetation cover in urban built-up areas and rural areas on the urban heat island effect are important bases for formulating a natural-based approach that mitigates the urban heat island effect. Using MOD11A2 land surface temperature (LST) product and MOD13A2 Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) product, combined with Mann-Kendall non-parametric test and Theil-Sen slope estimation, this study investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of SUHII and vegetation cover in built-up urban and rural areas of 311 cities in China during 2001—2021. Spearman correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were used to explore the relationship between SUHII and ΔEVI. It was found that: (1) the urban heat island intensity increased significantly at the rates of 0.05 ℃/a and 0.02 ℃/a, respectively (slope>0, P < 0.05); (2) In summer, EVI in urban built-up areas and rural areas increased significantly at a rate of 0.0006/a and 0.0027/a, respectively (slope>0, P < 0.05), the growth rate of EVI in urban built-up areas was smaller than that in rural areas; (3) SUHII increased with the decrease of ΔEVI in summer daytime at a rate of 0.48 ℃/ΔEVI. Nationwide, ΔEVI could explain 34% of the variation in SUHII. (4) The main pattern of SUHII enhancement in China was that the surface temperature in urban built-up areas increases faster than that in rural areas, and the ΔEVI change pattern showed a decreasing trend in EVIurban and an increasing trend in EVIrural in 56.16% of these cities while ΔEVI change pattern showed an increasing trend in both the EVIurban and the EVIrural in 40.41% of the cities. In recent 20 years, although vegetation cover in both urban and rural areas of China showed a significant increasing trend, the urban heat island intensity in summer has increased significantly. Therefore, in the context of the continuous evolution of urbanization and the intensification of climate change, increasing urban and rural vegetation construction, especially expanding the forest vegetation area in urban built-up areas, increasing urban green amount, and narrowing the difference between urban and rural vegetation can effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect.



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