





Habitat suitability and activity patterns of roe deer in Beijicun National Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province, China

Fund Project:

Heilongjiang Province key research and development plan project

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    掌握野生动物栖息地适宜性及活动节律对科学保护森林生态系统具有重要意义。狍(Capreolus pygargus)作为森林生态系统中重要组成部分,其生物学习性对于植被更新及同域物种分布具有指示作用,掌握其栖息地适宜性及活动节律是恢复生物多样性的基础。于2022年6月-2023年5月在北极村国家级自然保护区采用样线调查和相机监测相结合的方法收集狍活动信息,通过随机布设方法在保护区内共布设35条样线和140台红外相机,并利用最大熵(MaxEnt)栖息地建模及核密度估计法分析狍的栖息地适宜性与活动节律,结果表明:(1) MaxEnt模型的ROC曲线评价结果的平均AUC值为0.839,能够较好的反映研究区域狍栖息地适宜性的实际分布情况;(2)研究利用的14个变量中,距离河流越远出现概率越低是影响狍栖息地选择的关键变量,贡献率达34%。其次针阔混交林、常绿针叶林、林间小路、海拔、草地和居民区是影响狍栖息地质量的次要变量;(3)保护区内狍适宜栖息地和次适宜栖息地面积分别为240.44km2和490.64 km2,占研究区域总面积的17.48%和35.67%,主要分布于保护区中部和东部,西部适宜栖息地面积较少且破碎化较为严重;(4)活动节律分析表明,狍在9:00左右达到日活动高峰;不同季节狍活动节律存在差异,暖季狍活动节律具有晨昏性,冷季狍上午和下午的活动高峰期分别延迟和提前。基于研究结果提出以下保护建议:(1)加大保护区周边人类活动的管控力度,根据不同人为干扰强度针对性地对狍种群进行保护;(2)通过加强栖息地连通性管理、构建栖息地廊道等方法使破碎的栖息地连接成整体,促进保护区狍个体间交流。研究获得的结果为分布于我国最北端狍种群的保护与恢复提供了基础数据,对于推动该地区生物多样性保护具有重要意义。


    Understanding the suitability of wildlife habitats and their activity rhythms is of great significance for the scientific protection of forest ecosystems. The roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), an important component of the forest ecosystem, plays an indicative role in vegetation renewal and the distribution of sympatric species. Understanding its habitat suitability and activity rhythms is the foundation for restoring biodiversity. This study, conducted from June 2022 to May 2023 in the Beijicun Nature Reserve, utilized a combination of transect surveys and camera trapping methods to collect information on roe deer activity. A total of 35 transects and 140 infrared cameras were randomly deployed in the reserve. The MaxEnt habitat modeling and kernel density estimation methods were used to analyze the habitat suitability and activity rhythms of the roe deer. The results showed that: (1) The average AUC value of ROC curve evaluation results of MaxEnt was 0.839, which could really reflect the actual distribution of habitat suitability of roe deer in the study area; (2) Among the 14 variables used in the study, the lower the probability of occurrence when the distance from the river is the key variable affecting the habitat selection of roe deer, with a contribution rate of 34%. Secondly, coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, evergreen coniferous forest, forest path, altitude, grass and residents area were the secondary variables affecting the habitat quality of roe deer; (3) The suitable habitat and middling-suitable habitat of roe deer in the reserve are 240.44 km2 and 490.64 km2, accounting for 17.48% and 35.67% of the total area of the study area, and are mainly distributed in the central and eastern parts of the reserve, while the suitable habitat area in the west is less and the fragmentation is more serious; (4) Activity rhythm analysis indicated that the roe deer reached their daily activity peak at around 9:00 am. Different seasons showed variations in the activity rhythms of the roe deer, with crepuscular activity patterns observed in the warm season and delayed/advanced peaks in the morning and afternoon during the cold season. Based on the research results, the following conservation suggestions are put forward: (1) Strengthen the control of human activities around the reserve, and protect roe deer population according to different human disturbance intensity; (2) The fragmented habitats were connected as a whole by strengthening habitat connectivity management and constructing habitat corridors, and the communication among roe deer individuals in the protected areas was promoted. The results provide fundamental data for the protection and restoration of the northernmost roe deer population in China and are of significant importance for promoting biodiversity conservation in the region.



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