





Decoupling relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services on the Loess Plateau

Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China(41871190);National Key R&D Program(2023YFF1305105);Key R&D Plan of Shaanxi Province(2021SF-440);The fundamental research funds for central universities(300102353201);;

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    城镇化与生态系统之间相互影响、相互制约,二者的平衡关系对于区域可持续发展具有重要意义。目前,现有研究多集中于二者静态耦合关系,对于相对发展关系研究较少,将静态耦合协调度和动态脱钩模型相结合,可以有效揭示城镇化和生态系统服务的辩证关系,以期为城镇化和生态系统服务协调发展提供有益的科学参考。以生态脆弱的黄土高原为研究区,测算1990-2020年其县域城镇化水平及生态系统服务价值,并借助耦合协调度和脱钩模型讨论二者协同与相对发展关系及演变过程,结果表明:(1)1990-2020年,黄土高原城镇化水平稳步上升并且内部存在明显的空间差异,呈现以省会城市为中心向周边地区扩展的格局。(2)黄土高原生态系统服务价值总量在30年间持续升高,不同地类提供的生态系统服务价值为草地 > 林地 > 耕地 > 水域 > 未利用地 > 湿地,80%以上的生态系统服务价值由草地和林地提供。(3)黄土高原县域城镇化和生态系统服务价值耦合协调度不断提升,处于协调阶段的区县由1990年的26.27%提升至2020年的59.70%,但仍处于较低的等级;黄土高原60%以上的区县表现为强脱钩或弱脱钩,城镇化发展的同时生态系统服务价值并未大幅衰退,生态压力得到有效的控制,二者之间的关系得到分离,但城镇化与生态系统服务价值的脱钩关系是一种动态的过程,近年来处于强负脱钩状态的区县数量有升高的趋势,城镇化发展对生境潜在威胁增加,黄土高原各地区应依据自然和社会经济条件的差异性,因地制宜走绿色高质量发展之路。


    Urbanization and ecosystems interact and constrain each other, and the balanced relationship between the two is important for the sustainable development of the region. Most existing studies focus on the static coupling relationship between them, and there are fewer studies on the relative development relationship between them. Combining the static coupling coordination degree and the dynamic decoupling model can effectively reveal the dialectical relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services. This study aims to provide an effective scientific reference for the coordinated development of the Loess Plateau. Therefore, this paper took the counties on the Loess Plateau as the study area and measured the urbanization level and the ecosystem service value on the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2020. With the help of the coupling coordination degree model and decoupling model, the synergistic and relative development relationship between them and the evolution of the process were analyzed. The results showed that the level of urbanization on the Loess Plateau increased steadily from 1990 to 2020. There were obvious spatial differences, showing a spatial distribution pattern of high in the east and low in the west, and expanding to the periphery with the provincial capital city as the center. Over the past 30 years, the total ecosystem service value of the Loess Plateau has been increasing, and the ecosystem service value provided by different land use types was grassland>forest land>arable land>water land>unused land>wetland, and more than 80% of the ecosystem service value was provided by grassland and forest land. The coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecosystem service value on the Loess Plateau has been increasing, and the proportion of counties in coordination increased from 26.27% in 1990 to 59.70% in 2020, but it was still at a low level. More than 60% of the counties on the Loess Plateau exhibited strong decoupling and weak decoupling, which indicated that the ecosystem services value has not decreased while urbanization has developed. However, the decoupling relationship between urbanization and the ecosystem service value is a dynamic process. The number of counties in strong negative decoupling has been on the rise in recent years and urbanization has increased the potential threat to habitats. All regions of the Loess Plateau should follow a green and high-quality development path based on the differences in natural and socio-economic conditions, avoiding large-scale re-coupling and ensuring the stability and sustainability of the decoupling relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services.



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