





Measurement and verification of tree-ring growth parameters of Tamarix ramosissima based on computed tomography scanning

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360369) and Eu Erasmus+ Project(598838-EPP-1-2018-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)

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    利用多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)茎秆CT扫描图像,构建年轮三维解剖模型,获取年轮生长速率(TRGR)和年木材材积量(ATV)等生长参数。结果对树木长势评估、干旱区年轮水文响应和气候响应、林业碳汇计量等研究领域具有参考价值。研究通过对多枝柽柳茎秆CT扫描和平板扫描,分别获得其茎秆CT和平板二维横切扫描图。使用Python深度学习方法,获得CT年轮U-net语义分割模型。结合前期研究已构建的平板扫描年轮图像U-net语义分割模型,研究分别获取两种轮盘扫描图像年轮早材区域。轮盘扫描及语义分割后的结果经图像处理、GIS配准赋坐标后,借助GIS编辑和测量工具,完成多枝柽柳年轮周长、基部断面积生长增量、TRGR及ATV指标的计算。利用CT图像提取的年轮线状CAD图,根据CT切片顺序和间隔,在Sketchup 3D 软件中重构多枝柽柳年轮三维解剖图,立体刻画年轮结构特征。研究测量结果通过成对样本t检验,Pearson相关系数检验和Bland-Altman定量一致性分析,评价多枝柽柳CT和平板扫描图年轮测量结果的一致性,检验CT扫描图年轮参数的提取准确性。研究结果表明基于CT图像测量的TRGR指标和平板扫描测量结果一致。成对样本t检验TRGR序列定量均值比较的P值均大于0.05,表明两种来源所得测量结果间无统计学差异。Pearson相关系数为0.9984(P < 0.0001),表明两种测量结果间具有强相关性。Bland-Altman定量一致性分析,两种测量途径中有95.625%的样本差异位于一致性界限内,表明两种方法测量的结果具有一致性。基于CT图像通过GIS测量所得的多枝柽柳年轮生长参数经验证,结果准确。研究构建的CT图像年轮生长参数测量方法,可推广到农业和林业各类树木年轮参数的测量。研究结果对树木年轮无损测量技术的发展,未来树木年木材材积量的测算,以及利用年轮研究水文响应和气候响应具有参考价值。


    Computed tomography (CT) images of stems from Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. were used to construct a three-dimensional anatomical model of tree rings, and growth parameters, such as the tree-ring growth rate (TRGR) and annual timber volume (ATV) were determined. The research results have reference value for forest growth assessment and forest carbon sink measurement. In this study, CT and flat two-dimensional cross-sectional scan images of Tamarix ramosissima stem were obtained by CT and flat scanning, respectively. U-net semantic segmentation model of CT images was obtained using Python deep learning methods. Combining the U-net semantic segmentation model constructed in previous research for flat scan tree-ring images, early wood regions from two types of image sources were obtained, respectively. After images disc scanning and semantic segmentation, tree-ring indexes such as the circumference, basal area increment (BAI), TRGR, and ATV index were obtained by using GIS rectifying, editing and measurement tools. Based on CAD images by using CT images extract in spaced order, three-dimensional anatomical diagrams of Tamarix ramosissima tree-ring were reconstructed to characterize the tree rings structure by using Sketchup 3D software. Paired-sample t-tests, Pearson correlation coefficients, and Bland-Altman quantitative consistency analyses were used to evaluate the consistency of the growth-ring measurements obtained from CT and flat scanning of Tamarix ramosissima, and to verify the accuracy of the tree-ring parameters extracted from the CT scans. The study results indicated that TRGR indexes measured by CT and flat scanning were found to be consistent. The P-values of the paired-sample t-tests for comparing the quantitative means of the TRGR sequences were all greater than 0.05, indicating that there were no significant differences between the measurement results obtained from the two image sources. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the two sets of results was 0.9984 (P < 0.0001), indicating a highly significant correlation. The Bland-Altman quantitative consistency analysis showed that 95.625% of the sample differences between the two measurement approaches were within the limits of consistency, indicating good consistency between the results obtained by the two methods. Thus, the growth parameters of Tamarix ramosissima tree-ring based on CT images and measured by GIS were demonstrated to be accurate. This method can be applied to the measurement of tree-ring growth parameters of different kinds of trees in agriculture and forestry. These results provide a reference for the development of non-destructive tree-ring measurement technology and the estimation of ATV in the future.



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