性别和个性影响高体鳑鲏(Rhodeus ocellatus)对同性及异性同类的偏好






The influence of gender and personality on the preference of Rhodeus ocellatus for same- and opposite-sex conspecifics

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    动物体型的大小和活跃性的高低与基因质量乃至后代的存活率密切关联,因此是动物性选择的重要参考指标,同时也可作为性内竞争能力的重要参数。为研究个性的差异是否会影响鱼类对不同大小或活跃性个体(包括同性和异性)的偏好,以繁殖期的高体鳑鲏(Rhodeus ocellatus)为对象,测定了高体鳑鲏的活跃性、勇敢性和攻击性等3种个性行为,在此基础上分析了高体鳑鲏偏好与个性行为之间的关联。结果发现(1)活跃性、勇敢性和攻击性彼此成正相关,且雌鱼的勇敢性和攻击性均显著高于雄鱼;(2)雌鱼对大个体以及活跃的雄鱼有着明显的偏好,但未达到显著水平,但雄鱼偏好小个体的雌性个体;(3)胆大、攻击性高的雌性高体鳑鲏更偏好体型较大或较活跃的同性个体,此外胆大的雌性高体鳑鲏也更偏好体型较大或较活跃的异性个体;但雄鱼所有的个性指标均与偏好(包括同性和异性)不相关。雌鱼对体型较大或较活跃的雄性个体的偏好可能有利于提高后代的存活率以及竞争能力,而雄鱼对体型较小雌鱼的偏好可能与雌鱼较强的攻击性有关。另外雌鱼对异性及同性个体的偏好行为与个性的关联均符合“行为相似性”原则,即选择与自己行为接近的个体,这无论对于与配偶协调完成繁殖活动还是与同伴(同性)合作完成其他日常活动都是十分有利的。


    In the process of sexual selection in animals, larger individuals typically occupy higher hierarchical positions, dominate more resources, and have higher offspring survival rates and better genes compared to smaller individuals. Thus, they may be preferentially selected by the opposite sex. Activity, as one of the important personality traits, has been shown to be related to offspring health and may serve as another important criterion for selection apart from size. However, it is still unclear how personality traits influence sexual selection in fish, given the complex nature of these traits and their interactions. Additionally, the impact of personality traits on same-sex individual preferences in fish has also been long overlooked, despite its potential significance in understanding social dynamics and mating systems within fish populations. To investigate whether the personality affect fish preferences for different-sized or active individuals (both of the same and opposite sex), this study examined the behavioral preferences of rose bitterlings (Rhodeus ocellatus) during the breeding season and measured their activity, boldness, and aggression as personality traits. Based on these results, the associations between behavioral preferences and personality traits were analyzed. The results showed that (1) activity, boldness, and aggression were positively correlated, and female fish were significantly braver and more aggressive than male fish; (2) female fish showed a clear preference for larger and more active male individuals, but the preference was not statistically significant. In contrast, male fish preferred smaller female individuals; (3) brave and aggressive female rose bitterlings had a greater preference for larger or more active individuals of the same or opposite sex. However, none of the personality traits in male fish were related to their behavioral preferences for both the same and opposite sex. The preference of female fish for larger or more active male individuals may improve the survival rate and competitive ability of their offspring, while the preference of male fish for smaller female individuals may be related to the greater aggression of female fish. Additionally, the behavioral preference of female fish for both same-sex and opposite-sex individuals was consistent with the "behavioral similarity" principle, which suggests that individuals tend to choose partners with similar personalities. This similarity can facilitate coordination in reproductive activities with partners and cooperation with same-sex peers in daily activities, enhancing overall group cohesion and success. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for comprehending the broader implications of personality traits on social and reproductive behaviors in fish populations, shedding light on the evolutionary pressures shaping these traits.


郑世龙,周岢莹,付世建,王兰,蒲浩,黄容容,陈于思,付成.性别和个性影响高体鳑鲏(Rhodeus ocellatus)对同性及异性同类的偏好.生态学报,2024,44(24):11459~11471

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