





Spatio-temporal variation of soil biogenic silicon distribution and its driving mechanism in the southwestern Hainan Island

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    地球表层元素硅(Si)的生物地球化学循环影响全球初级生产力和全球碳循环进而影响地球环境变化。土壤生物硅(BSi)因其易溶解而成为岩石圈-土壤圈-生物圈-水圈等圈层之间Si迁移-转化的枢纽。采集海南岛西南部的热带季雨林、经济林(橡胶林、桉树林、芒果林)和农作物(香蕉、甘蔗)土壤样品。采用热碱消化连续提取法萃取BSi;运用相关分析和主成分分析法识别土壤BSi含量变化的主要驱动因素。结果表明:研究区不同植物群落土壤BSi含量从大到小依次为:香蕉地((2.38±0.72)mg/g)>热带季雨林((1.86±1.34) mg/g)>橡胶林((1.42±0.81) mg/g)>桉树林((1.22±0.28) mg/g)>芒果林((0.98±0.71) mg/g)>甘蔗地((0.62±0.74) mg/g);研究区土壤BSi含量存在随群落变化的季节变化:森林群落土壤 BSi含量干季大于湿季,农业草本群落(香蕉和甘蔗)土壤BSi含量则出现湿季大于干季的特征。研究区土壤BSi含量变化主要受生物因素(总氮和碳/氮(C/N))和非生物因素(化学风化程度)耦合驱动。在全球尺度上,海南岛西南部土壤BSi含量(1.43 mg/g)低于热带雨林土壤BSi含量(2.5 mg/g),揭示水热同期的季风气候区山地土壤较活跃的微生物活动和较强的降雨、径流侵蚀作用,均有利于土壤BSi发生迁移-转换,最终以溶解态硅的形式随地表径流注入南海,在一定程度上保持南海生态系统的营养成分结构,确保南海生态系统良性循环。


    The biogeochemical cycle of the earth surface element silicon (Si) affects the earth environmental changes by changing the global primary productivity and the global carbon cycle. In terrestrial ecosystems, Si mainly exists in rocks (weathering crust), soils, plants, rivers and lakes in the form of dissolved Si (DSi), amorphous Si, cryptocrystalline Si and crystalline Si. The soil DSi mainly consists of two parts:monosilicate (primary DSi) released by slow hydrolysis of silicate mineral weathering process and H4SiO4 formed by rapid dissolution of soil biogenic silicon (BSi). With the development of soil, the primary DSi was continuously leaching away. The solubility of soil BSi is twice than silicate minerals, and soil BSi gradually became the hub of Si migration and transformation between lithosphere-pedosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere. For the purpose of revealing the change and its driving mechanism of soil BSi in tropical monsoon climate region, soil samples of representative communities (include tropical monsoon forest, economic forest (rubber forest, eucalyptus forest and mango forest) and crops (banana, sugarcane)) in the Changhua River Basin of Hainan Island were collected in dry season and wet season from 2014 to 2016, respectively. The soil BSi content was measured by thermo-alkali digestion and continuous extraction method and its temporal and spatial differences were analyzed. The results showed that there were differences in soil BSi content among different plant communities in the southwestern Hainan Island, in turn, banana land ((2.38±0.72)mg/g)>tropical monsoon forest ((1.86±1.34) mg/g)>rubber forest ((1.42±0.81) mg/g)>eucalyptus forest ((1.22±0.28) mg/g)>mango forest ((0.98±0.71) mg/g)>sugarcane land ((0.62±0.74) mg/g). Due to the differential absorption of element Si by different plants during the growth process, soil BSi content in the study area varies with the plant community in season:the soil BSi content in the forest community in dry season was higher than that in wet season, however, the soil BSi content in the agricultural herbaceous community (for example, banana and sugarcane) was higher in wet season than that in dry season. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis suggested that the changes of soil BSi content were mainly controlled by the soil mineral chemical weathering, soil organic carbon content, total nitrogen and C/N ratio, implying the coupling driving mechanism of biological factors and abiotic factors on soil BSi pool change in the study area. The averaged soil BSi content (1.43 mg/g) in the southwestern Hainan was lower than that (2.5 mg/g) in the tropical rainforest region. The reason why is that more active microbial activity and stronger erosion of rainfall runoff in the mountain soil during the heat and water period, which is conducive to the migration and transformation of the soil BSi, and is discharged into the South China Sea in the form of dissolved silicon eventually. Clearly, the soil BSi dynamic, to a certain extent, maintains the nutrient composition structure and ensures the virtuous cycle of the South China Sea ecosystem.



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