





Structural characteristics, spatial patterns and interspecific and intraspecific associations of mangroves in typical islands of Guangxi Beibu Gulf

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    为研究广西北部湾茅尾海自然保护区海岛红树林群落的空间点格局和演替规律,在典型红树林海岛设置调查样地,以样地内的桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)、秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)等红树植物为研究对象,构建单变量函数的完全空间随机模型、异质泊松模型与双变量函数的环形转变模型,分析3种红树林种群的结构特征、空间格局及种内种间关联性。结果发现:(1)桐花树种群的小树和中树的个体数目较多,种群年龄结构呈金字塔型,种群处于增长状态;秋茄种群的中树个体数目较多,种群结构呈钟型,种群数量处于稳定状态;白骨壤个体数相对较少,且幼树较少老树较多,种群更新受阻,种群结构呈纺锤型,属于衰退型种群。(2)红树林群落整体上呈现出空间集聚的分布特征,从不同种群的集聚程度来看:桐花树>白骨壤>秋茄。(3)随着空间尺度的增大,红树林群落在空间分布上依次表现出聚集、随机和均匀3种特征。(4)桐花树与秋茄、白骨壤的种间关系随着尺度增加均表现为空间无关联性-空间负关联性-空间无关联性的演变特征,秋茄与白骨壤的种间关系则为全尺度的空间无关联性。(5)桐花树种内不同龄级之间存在空间正关联性、空间无关联性和空间负关联性,秋茄种内不同龄级之间均表现出空间无联性,白骨壤种群则在不同龄级之间均出现空间正关联性。(6)红树植物种群的空间格局受到自身繁殖特性、生境异质性、种内和种间竞争、病虫害等多种因素的影响。红树林人工种植和恢复需要结合沿海地区的自然生态条件,按照红树林种群的适应形态学特点、群落类型和自然演替规律,种植乡土红树植物,适当引进外来物种,研制出近似天然的人工红树林林分结构,提高群落的生物多样性和群落稳定性,发挥红树林湿地生态系统的生态环境效应。


    This paper aims to explore the spatial pattern and evolutionary changes of mangrove community on the island of Maoweihai Nature Reserve, Beibu Gulf, Guangxi. Taking the mangrove plants such as Aegiceras Corniculatum, Kandelia obovata and Avicennia Marina in the typical mangrove island as research objects, the complete spatial randomness model (CSR) and heterogeneous Poisson model (HP) of univariate function and toroidal shift (TS) of bivariate function were established in the study. The structural characteristics, spatial pattern, intra-and intraspecific associations of the three mangrove populations were analyzed. The following results are obtained:(1) Aegiceras corniculatum population has more individuals in small size and middle size, presents pyramidal age structure, and is increasing. Kandelia obovata population has more individuals in middle size, and presents bell-shaped age structure, with the number being in a stable state. Avicennia marina has relatively few individuals, fewer seedlings and more old trees, blocking population renewal, and presents spindle-shaped structure and declining trend. (2) On the whole, the mangrove community presents the spatial agglomeration characteristics. To be specific, the agglomeration degree order is as follows:Aegiceras corniculatum > Avicennia marina > Kandelia obovata. (3) As spatial scale increases, mangrove community presents aggregation, random and uniform spatial distribution characteristics in turn. (4) With the increase of scale, the interspecific relationship between Aegiceras corniculatum and Kandelia obovata/Avicennia marina presents the spatial non-correlation-spatial negative correlation-spatial non-correlation, while the interspecific relationship between Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina presents the spatial non-correlation. (5) The Aegiceras corniculatum at different ages present the spatially positive correlation, spatial non-correlations, and spatial negative correlation; Kandelia obovata at different ages present the spatial non-correlations; Avicennia marina at different ages present spatial positive correlation. (6)Various factors such as reproductive characteristics, habitat heterogeneity, intraspecific and interspecific competition, diseases and pests affect the spatial pattern of mangrove population. The naturally ecological conditions in coastal areas should be also taken into account for the artificial mangrove planting and restoration. Besides, it is suggested to plant native mangrove according to the adaptive morphological characteristic, community type and natural succession law of mangrove population, appropriately introduce alien species, develop a similarly natural artificial mangrove structure, and improve the community biodiversity and stability, thus exerting the ecological and environmental effects of mangrove wetland ecosystem.



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