Abstract:In this study, we aimed to identify the variations and factors determining tree health in residential areas of Beijing, and provide recommendations to tree health managements, by investigating 85 residential areas in Beijing. Tree health was evaluated using a tree health assessment model, and on the basis of this, differences in tree health among different types of residential areas were assessed using one-way ANOVA and the Duncan test. The results were as follows:tree health indicators were significantly different in different types of residential areas (P < 0.05), and the variation ranks of each indicator were not completely consistent. Some tree health indicators in some types of residential area were generally poor, and factors determining this were surface coverage, light pollution, trunk lean, cutting off crown and planting, tree vigor, crown profile and stem form. Trees health indices in all residential areas of Beijing tested were 0.60-0.80, and tree health was characteristic of a right normal distribution. Healthy trees accounted for 3.65%, sub-healthy trees accounted for 56.07%, medium-healthy trees accounted for 36.68%, unhealthy trees accounted for 3.50%, and dying trees accounted for 0.10%. Tree health indices were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between residential areas in different districts and origins, while differences between different assessment periods were significant (P < 0.05). Ranks of trees health indices in difference types of residential area are presented:3rd-4th ring road=4th-5th ring road > 5th-6th ring road > within 2nd ring road=2nd-3rd ring road; welfare housing > commodity apartment > social security housing; 2009-2013 > 2003-2008=1998-2002=1991-1997 > 1956-1990. The majority of trees in residential areas of Beijing are in a sub-healthy state, and potential factors such as surface coverage, light pollution, and trunk lean are important factors restricting tree growth. Reducing the influence of night lighting, increasing the coverage of organic ground surfaces, avoiding excessive pruning of branches, and improving maintenance and management of trees will ensure healthy growth of trees in the residential areas of Beijing.