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College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University,,

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    海洋酸化(Ocean acidification)为目前备受人们关注的全球性问题。因此为了能够客观地揭示海洋酸化的研究态势,研究采用文献计量分析(Bibliometric analysis)的方法,以海洋酸化概念提出后(2004年以后) ISI Web of Science期刊引文数据库中涉及到海洋酸化研究的所有文献为样本,对文献的增长趋势及期刊分布进行描述统计,并基于关键词的知识图谱及突变分析的方法探究海洋酸化的热点关注方向随时间的变动及研究前沿。描述统计表明:海洋酸化概念提出的这十多年来,涉及海洋酸化的研究文献数量呈现激增的态势,研究学科交叉明显,海洋酸化对珊瑚礁的影响是这十年来的重点研究领域。从基于关键词的知识图谱可以看到,在海洋酸化研究初期(2004-2009年),研究内容主要分为两个部分,一是海洋酸化对海洋生物(尤其是珊瑚礁生物及浮游植物)及生态系统的影响;二是对海洋酸化现象的认识;中期(2010-2015年),研究内容与初期相似,研究重点往海洋生物上倾斜,同时有新的热点研究区域和研究方向的出现;近期(2016年以后),海洋酸化对海洋生物影响的研究依旧占据着主流研究方向。对基于突变分析得到的当前(2018年2月)海洋酸化研究的热点关注的文献分析发现,当前海洋酸化的研究存在以下5个前沿方向:(1)在探究海洋酸化与生物的关系之时需结合多因子讨论;(2)探索生物在海洋酸化下的内在应对机制;(3)海洋酸化影响下的生物响应的综合评估及预测;(4)探索海洋酸化对海洋生态系统的影响;(5)对海洋酸化概念的挑战——海洋酸化形成原因的探索。


    Ocean acidification is a well-known global issue. This study aimed to reveal the trends in research on ocean acidification. We used the method of bibliometric analysis to review the literature related to the study of ocean acidification published after the concept of ocean acidification was put forward(i.e., after 2004) and indexed ISI Web of Science journal citation database. We first created descriptive statistics of the number of articles published annually and the journal frequency distribution. Then, the methods of keyword-based knowledge mapping and burst analysis were used to explore the hotspots of ocean acidification studies and the recent frontiers. Descriptive statistics suggested that the number of studies on ocean acidification has increased sharply in the past ten years and that studies related to this issue had an obvious characteristic of being interdisciplinary. In addition, the influence of ocean acidification on coral reefs was a major focus of these studies in the past ten years. The keyword-based knowledge mapping showed that major studies on ocean acidification mostly belonged to the field of biology:during the initial stage of ocean acidification studies(2004-2009), the research contents could be mainly divided into two parts; one is the influence of ocean acidification on marine organisms(especially coral reefs and marine phytoplankton) and ecosystems, and the other is the mechanisms of ocean acidification. During the midterm stage(2010-2015), the research contents were similar to those of the initial stage. However, the focus of research was mostly shifted to marine organisms. In addition, this stage showed the emergence of new research areas and directions. In the recent stage(after 2016), studies on the influence of ocean acidification on marine organisms still form the primary research direction. Results of the burst analysis of the most recent(February 2018) literature hotspots showed that the current research on ocean acidification has five study frontiers:(1) combining other factors with ocean acidification to explore its relationship with marine organisms;(2) exploring the internal response mechanisms of marine organisms when they stay in an acidic oceanic environment;(3) comprehensive assessment and prediction of biological responses under the effects of ocean acidification;(4) exploring the impacts of ocean acidification on the marine ecosystem; and(5) challenges to the concept of ocean acidification and exploring other causes of ocean acidification.



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