






Tempo-spatial variations and driving factors analysis of net primary productivity in the Hengduan mountain area from 2004 to 2014

Chengdu University of Technology, College Of Earth Sciences,,Chengdu University of Technology, College Of Earth Sciences;Key Laboratory of Geoscience Spatial Information Technology, Ministry of Land and Resources of the P.R.China;The EngineeringDdDd Technical College of Chengdu University of Technology,,,,

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    横断山区是我国长江上游重要的生态屏障区,对周边区域乃至我国中西部地区气候和生态环境有着深刻的影响。NPP作为碳收支和气候变化研究的核心内容,是判定生态系统健康状况和可持续发展水平的重要指标。基于MODIS C6的NPP数据、1:100万植被类型图、气象数据和地形数据,采用趋势线分析法和相关分析法对横断地区2004-2014年植被NPP时空格局、变化规律以及驱动因子进行了研究。结果表明:①2004-2014年横断山区植被年NPP总量的介于183.768-223.239 TgC之间,多年平均为208.498 TgC,单位面积下的植被年NPP均值为463 gC m-2 a-1。整体上,植被NPP呈增加趋势,但局部差异明显。②植被NPP平均值的年际变化率在-53-97 gC m-2 a-1之间,NPP呈增加趋势的区域分布在北部与中部的东侧以及南部的东、西两侧地区,而减少趋势的区域主要集中在西北部、中部的汶川-映秀一带以及南部攀枝花地区。③横断山区植被NPP变化受气候因子驱动影响的区域占比8.42%,主要集中在中部的大雪山-沙鲁里山地区,而非气候因子占比91.58%,分布在北部的阿坝地区以及南部的低海拔广大地区。该研究将对横断山区生态环境建设和可持续发展起到指导作用。


    The Hengduan mountain area is acting as the essential ecological barrier for the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which exerts profound influences to the climate and ecological environment of its surrounding areas as well as the Middle West part of our country. As the core of carbon budget climate changes, NPP functions as the crucial indicator in measuring the health status and sustainable development of the ecological system. Therefore, based on the NPP statistics of MODIS C6, vegetation map (1:1000000), meteorological data as well as topographic data, this paper is intended to utilize trend line analytical method and other related analysis methods to perform study on the spatial pattern, variation rules and the driving factors to NPP in Hengduan mountain area during year 2004-2014. Detailed research results indicate that: ①total NPP for Hengduan mountain area during 2004-2014 falls between 183.768-223.239 TgC with average of annual NPP total value as 208.498 TgC and annual NPP mean value per unit area as 463 gC m-2 a-1. On the whole, overall NPP is showing an increasing trend with distinct local disparity. ②average annual NPP change rate is within -53-97 gC m-2 a-1. And regions with a rising NPP tendency are mainly distributed at the north part, east of middle part as well as east and west of the south part; whereas regions with a decreasing tendency mainly concentrates on Wenchuan-Yingxiu areas which belong to the northwest and middle part. ③The regions with NPP changes resulted from climate factors take up 8.42% of the total coverage of the Hengduan mountain area. These regions mainly sit at the mountainous areas at Daxue Mountain-Shaluli Mountain. By contrast, those subject to non-climate factors occupy 91.58% of the Hengduan mountain area. And they are mainly located at Aba areas in the north and broad regions in the south part with lower altitude. As far as the significance of this paper is concerned, it will provide instructions to the ecological environment construction and the sustainable growth for Hengduan mountain area.



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