






Spatial point pattern analysis of Alchornea trewioides population clonal growth in the karst area of Guilin

Guangxi Normal University,Guangxi Normal University,Guangxi Normal University,,,

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    植物空间分布格局是种群自身特性、种间关系以及环境条件综合作用的结果。对植物空间格局和关联性的研究有助于认识植物群落的形成、维持和演替过程。红背山麻杆(Alchornea trewioides(Benth.)Muell. Arg.)是桂林喀斯特地区重要的先锋物种。调查了桂林喀斯特地区以克隆繁殖为主的红背山麻杆群落,采用点格局方法,以Ripley's K函数为基础运用gr)和Lr)函数对红背山麻杆种群进行点格局以及不同径级之间关联性分析。结果表明:(1)红背山麻杆在小尺度(小于2 m)上表现为聚集分布;在大尺度(大于2 m)上表现为随机分布;(2)3个径级之间在小尺度两两表现为正关联。随着尺度的增大,3径级之间的关联性由正关联转变为无关联或者负关联;(3)在大尺度范围红背山麻杆较大地径的母株对其他母株的克隆小分株产生较强的抑制作用,随着两个径级大小差异增大,它们的空间关联性会逐渐呈无关联或负关联,与径级Ⅰ与径级Ⅱ及径级Ⅱ与径级Ⅲ相比,径级Ⅰ与径级Ⅲ的空间关联性呈较强的负关联。


    The spatial distribution patterns and associations of plant species result from both abiotic and biotic interactions, which may reflect factors and processes that nearly all plants experience; namely resource availability constraints, limits to propagule dispersal, and intra-or inter-specific competitive interactions. In the karst area of Guilin, China, Alchornea trewioides (Benth.) Muell. Arg. is a common pioneer species; to determine the importance of its ecological function in this community, it is critical to analyze the spatial patterns of its individuals. To this end, the spatial patterns of A. trewioides were investigated in situ and analyzed with three objectives: (1) to describe the spatial patterns and individual-association changes among the different diameter classes; (2) to quantify and reveal the relationship between the spatial scale and the spatial patterns for this species; and (3) to analyze the effects of different diameter classes on the spatial patterns and the individual associations. In this study, we set up six plots, each 10 m × 10 m, in the karst habitat (i.e., calcium-rich, alkaline soil with low water-holding capacity, high ratio of exposed(80%), and prone to periodic flooding), wherein we recorded and mapped all live individuals of A. trewioides. To identify the differences and associations between these individual plants, they were divided into three diameter classes Ⅰ (diameter ≤ 0.5 cm), Ⅱ (0.5 cm < diameter ≤ 1.0 cm), and Ⅲ (diameter > 1.0 cm). The point-pattern analytical approach has proven effective and useful elsewhere to study the plant population characteristics and the community structure underlying ecological processes. On the basis of Ripley's K function, we used the g(r) function statistic to explore differences in the distribution patterns. We also used the L(r) function statistic to examine the spatial associations among the three diameter classes. The results showed that the spatial patterns and their individual associations were closely related to the spatial scale and diameter class tested: (1) At the scale of 2 m, the A. trewioides population had a clumped distribution, whereas at a much larger scale it had a random distribution. (2) The different diameter classes were another important factor that affected the spatial associations. As the diameter classes of individuals were gradually increased, the changing spatial associations between individuals went from positive, to independent, and then to a negative correlation. (3) On a large spatial scale, the mother plants Ⅲ played a significant role in inhibiting the cloning of other smaller ramet plants. However, as the differences among the three diameter classes increased, the spatial association gradually showed a correlation that was independent, or even a negative. Comparing the spatial distribution patterns among diameter classes Ⅰ and Ⅱ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ, and Ⅰ and Ⅲ, the last class showed the strongest negative association in the population that we studied.



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