






Effect of urea on the growth of Skeletonema costatum and Karenia mikimotoi

Ocean University of China,Ocean University of China,Ocean University of China,National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service,Ocean University of China

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    采用实验室一次性培养,研究了尿素对我国东海赤潮优势藻中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)和米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)生长的影响。结果表明,中肋骨条藻和米氏凯伦藻均能在不同比例尿素的条件下较好地生长。随着培养液中尿素比例的增大,中肋骨条藻细胞生长速率(0.91-0.82/d)逐渐减小,平台期最大生物量(2.0×105-1.2×105个/mL)也逐渐减小,而米氏凯伦藻细胞的生长速率(0.36-0.51/d)逐渐增大,最大生物量基本不变(约1.1×104个/mL)。在平台期中肋骨条藻培养液中氮盐浓度最低下降到2.5μmol/L左右维持不变,而米氏凯伦藻氮盐浓度最低下降到1.0μmol/L左右。在指数生长期,随着细胞的生长溶解有机氮(DON,Dissolved Organic Nitrogen)含量迅速增加,中肋骨条藻介质中DON的浓度达到最大值(5-6μmol/L),然后浓度基本不变。米氏凯伦藻介质中DON在指数生长阶段达到最大值(2-3μmol/L)后开始下降。中肋骨条藻单细胞颗粒氮的含量(约为10-6μmol,平台期约为10-7μmol)要远远小于米氏凯伦藻(指数期约为10-4μmol,平台期约为10-6μmol)。研究表明,两种藻对尿素的吸收利用存在明显差异,在较低的溶解无机氮和较高的溶解有机氮环境中,甲藻有更好的适应性,该研究对于解释我国长江口春季硅藻和甲藻赤潮的演替有借鉴的意义。


    With rich nutrients, suitable temperature, light, and weather conditions, large-scale harmful algal blooms (HABs) have frequently occurred in the East China Sea in recent years. According to datas from the State Bureau of Oceanic Administration of China from 2009 to 2014, there were 367 instances of HABs in the coastal waters of China and 195 instances in the East China Sea, accounting for 53%. It is generally believed that the occurrence of algal blooms is linked to eutrophication of coastal waters. Nutrients are the basic material for the growth and reproduction of organisms. As an important kind of DON(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen), urea has high biological activity. Many studies have reported that urea could serve as the sole nitrogen source for a variety of phytoplankton. As such, studying the effect of urea on the organisms that induce red tides is very important. To determine the different responses of diatoms and dinoflagelattes to DON, the effect of urea on the growth of Skeletonema costatum and Karenia mikimotoi, which are the dominant algae in China, were determined using a batch of culture experiments in the laboratory. Results indicated that the two algae could grow under different ratios of urea to nitrate, but their kinetic parameters were different. With the increase of the proportion of urea in the mixed nitrogen source in the culture solution, the growth rate(0.91-0.82/d) of Skeletonema costatum and its maximum biomass(2.0×105-1.2×105 cells/mL) in the plateau phase of the growth curve gradually decreased. However, the growth rate (0.36-0.51/d) of Karenia mikimotoi gradually increased and its maximum biomass (1.1×104cells/mL) in the plateau phase remained relatively unchanged. In plateau phase, the concentration of nitrogen in the Skeletonema costatum culture solution declined to 2.5μmol/L, and in Karenia mikimotoi it declined to 1.0 μmol/L. In the exponential phase, the concentrations of DON increased with the growth of algae, and reached the maximum values (5-6 μmol/L), then remained constant in the cultural of Skeletonema costatum. For Karenia mikimotoi, the concentrations of DON declined after reaching maximum values (2-3 μmol/L) in the culture solution. The content of particulate organic nitrogen in each cell of Skeletonema costatum (approximately 10-6 μmol in the exponential phase, 10-7 μmol in the plateau phase) were much less than that of Karenia mikimotoi (10-4 μmol in the exponential phase, 10-6 μmol in the plateau phase). In an environment with lower inorganic nitrogen and higher DON concentration, dinoflagellates exhibit better adaptability than diatoms. This research can provide references on the interpretation of the succession between diatoms and dinoflagelattes in the Yangtze River Estuary in spring.



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