






Physiological response and changes in swimming performance after thermal acclimation in juvenile chinese fire-belly newts, Cynops orientalis

School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University,,,,College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Wenzhou University

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    特定物种的热驯化能力决定着其是否能成功耐受环境温度的改变,在应对未来气候变暖的趋势中扮演重要角色。为评估有尾类两栖动物的热驯化反应,在3个恒定水温(15、20℃和25℃)中驯化东方蝾螈(Cynops orientalis)幼体4周,测定驯化后幼体在不同测试温度下的运动(游泳)表现、临界低温(CTMin)与临界高温(CTMax)。结果显示:驯化与测试温度均显著影响蝾螈的游泳速度;驯化温度亦影响蝾螈的CTMin和CTMax,但不影响可耐受温度范围(TRR)。驯化与测试温度的交互作用对蝾螈泳速的影响显著,表明驯化温度可改变其游泳表现的热敏感性。经某一温度驯化后蝾螈泳速似乎在相同测试温度下表现最好,该结果可能支持驯化有益假说。CTMin和CTMax随驯化温度的升高而增加,表明:低温驯化可提高动物抗低温能力,而高温驯化提高其抗高温能力。两栖类动物热耐受性与运动表现热驯化反应的种间变异可能与栖息地热环境的差异有关。


    The thermal acclimatory capacity of a particular species determines its tolerance to environmental changes and affects its survival under future changing climatic conditions. Acclimation effects on physiological traits have been determined in many fish and frog species, but rarely in newts or salamanders. In the present study, we evaluated the physiological acclimatory response of newts. A total of 48 juvenile Chinese fire-belly newts (Cynops orientalis) were collected and acclimated to 15℃, 20℃, and 25℃, which represented the low, intermediate, and high environmental temperatures experienced by C. orientalis during their active period, respectively, over the course of 4 weeks. The locomotor (swimming) performances of individuals were measured at the same three test temperatures in a glass tank (150 cm×10 cm×15 cm) filled with water to a depth of 5 cm, and the critical thermal minimum (CTMin) and maximum (CTMax) were determined using a dynamic method. The thermal resistance range (TRR) was calculated as the difference between CTMax and CTMin, and acclimation response ratio (ARR) of CTMin and CTMax was obtained by dividing the tolerance change by the change in acclimation temperature. The results from repeated-measures ANOVA analyses revealed that newt swimming speeds were significantly affected by the acclimation and test temperatures. Despite no statistically significant difference, low and intermediate temperature-acclimated newts had relatively high mean swimming speeds at 15℃ and 20℃, respectively, while the high-temperature-acclimated newts had superior swimming speeds at 25℃. Similarly, at 15℃, low temperature-acclimated newts swam faster than those acclimated to a high temperature. However, at 20℃, intermediate temperature-acclimated newts swam faster than low or high temperature-acclimated individuals, while at 25℃, high and intermediate temperature-acclimated newts swam faster than those acclimated to low temperature. Thus, our data supports the beneficial acclimation hypothesis, which predicts that acclimation to a particular temperature enhances the animal's performance or fitness at that temperature. Our results also indicate that temperature acclimation shifts the thermal sensitivity of swimming performance in C. orientalis since low temperature-acclimated newts appear to have lower thermal sensitivity levels than those acclimated to high temperature. Both CTMin and CTMax were significantly enhanced at higher acclimation temperatures, suggesting that juvenile newts acclimated to low temperatures are more resistant to low temperatures and less resistant to high temperatures, whereas those acclimated to high temperatures are more resistant to high but less resistant to low temperatures. These results are consistent with previous studies focused on the various ectothermic vertebrate species analyzed to date. The TRR of newts was not affected by acclimation temperature, while the ARR of CTMax (0.26) was higher than that of CTMin (0.09) at acclimation temperatures between 15℃ and 20℃, but lower at acclimation temperatures between 20℃ and 25℃ (CTMax:0.16 vs CTMin:0.21). These results are consistent with previous predictions that the magnitude of the change in CTMin or CTMax slowly decreases and ultimately approaches zero as the acclimation temperature gradually reaches its thermal limits. Inter-species differences in thermal physiological response to acclimation in amphibians may be correlated with differences in thermal environments in their natural habitats.



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