






Evaluation of carbon sequestration after conversion of cropland to forest and grassland projection in karst peak-cluster depression area of northwest Guangxi, China

Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture Ecology,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture Ecology,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture Ecology,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agriculture Ecology,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences

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    退耕还林还草作为桂西北喀斯特地区主要的土地利用转变方式,对该区域产生了积极的生态效益。就退耕还林还草政策的实施对该区域土壤有机碳储量的影响进行评价。结果表明:1)将剖面碳密度与深度做对数拟合得到的参数进行协同克里格插值的方法能较准确估算研究区碳密度,R2为0.723;2)退耕还林还草措施对土壤有机碳(SOC)含量产生了显著的影响,耕地(19.3 g/kg)转变为牧草(23.5 g/kg,退耕近10a)和草地(34.6 g/kg,退耕30a)的SOC含量均有增加,转变为人工林(17.8 g/kg,退耕8a)的SOC含量略有下降;3)退耕还林还草工程实施后研究区土壤碳储量提高了23.43%,退耕后单位面积土壤碳储量为2938 tC/km2;4)种植牧草兼顾固碳效益和经济效益,是一种较好的退耕模式。


    Understanding the effect of vegetation restoration on soil carbon sequestration is one of the important pathways to evaluate the performance of ecological restoration efforts, and is valuable in estimating the potential of humans for climate change adaptation. In the 1980s and late 1990s, owing to the Ecological Immigrants Project and Grain for Green Project, wide spread conversions of cropland to grassland and forest have happened in the karst region in Southwest China. Several studies have been carried out to determine the changes of vegetation carbon storage induced by land cover change in this region. However, because of the high inherent terrain variability of the karst landscape, relatively little is known about the accurate size of the current soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and the degree of human-induced changes. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to develop an appropriate method for estimating SOC storage in a typical karst landscape at a local scale and to estimate SOC change responding to vegetation restoration due to the Grain for Green Project. For this study, a 200 m×200 m grid was established over the study site (10.24 km2) and a total of 249 surface soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected in 2011, and 81 soil profiles were investigated by vegetation type (cropland, forage, plantation, regressed land, shrub land, secondary forest) in 2009 and 2011. The profiles of the soil samples were separated into depth segments:0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-50, 50-70 cm, and 70-100 cm. The maximum sampling depth was not greater than 100 cm and soil depth less than 100 cm was sampled to bedrock. A total of 424 samples from 81 profiles were collected. Vegetation type, canopy cover, slope, aspect, soil depth, and rock exposure (4 m×4 m) were recorded for each sample point. Additionally, soil depth and rock exposure were measured at 150 randomly selected points in the study area. All data were transformed for normality of distribution and homogeneity of variance prior to analysis. Pearson correlation test was performed to determine the relationships between SOC and various environmental parameters. Cokriging interpolation of the parameters of negative exponential profile depth function was utilized to estimate soil carbon storage in the study area. The results showed that, regional SOC storage can be estimated accurately by cokriging interpolation of logarithmic parameters fitting for carbon density and depth of each soil profiles, and the prediction performed well with a determination coefficient of 0.723. Conversion of cropland to forage, and regressed land significantly increased the SOC content from 19.3 g/kg in cropland to 23.5 g/kg in forage, and 34.6 g/kg in regressed land, whereas it slightly decreased when transforming the cropland to plantation (17.8 g/kg). Overall, vegetation restoration by the Grain for Green Project increased soil carbon storage for 23.43% in the study area. Additionally, transformation of cropland to forage is a superior approach for both ecosystem restoration and economic benefit in degraded karst ecosystems.



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