Abstract:Since 1917, when Grinnell proposed that niche breadth is the minimum unit of a population, the theory of ecological niches has persisted as one of the core ideas in the study of community composition and function, the relationships among various species, biodiversity, community, and population evolution. Ecologists use the term "ecological niche" to describe how organisms respond to, and in turn alter, the distribution of their resources and competitors. The metrics of niche overlap, breadth, and position play a central role in our understanding of an organismal community. The Nanji Archipelago Marine Nature Reserve is located in the southeast region of Zhejiang Province, China. It is a marine ecosystem reserve, aimed at protecting marine biodiversity. Specifically, the shellfish, algae, and the natural environment are the main targets for protection. To examine the characteristics of the macrobenthic community as well as the interactions between the macrobenthic species in the rocky intertidal zone of the Nanji Islands, organism assemblages in 4 sections of the Nanji Islands were investigated between May 2012 and February 2013. During the 10 months of research, 354 species were found, most of which were molluscs, annelids, and arthropods. In addition, dominance coefficient analysis identified 18 dominant species belonging to 3 different phyla, 5 classes, and 12 families. Every tidal zone in each season was treated as a resource state, and 12 such resource states were selected for further ecological niche analysis. Indices of the niche breadth, niche overlap, and niche proportional similarity were calculated based on the abundance of the dominant species. The values of the niche breadth indices for Modiolus comptus, Septifer virgatus, and Nereis heterocirrata were the highest(greater than 0.9), while those of Euraphia withersi and Fistulobalanus albicostatus were the lowest(lower than 0.5). The values of for the niche overlap index of the macrobenthic community in the Nanji Islands were low. In contrast, the values of its niche proportional similarity were relatively high. The species with broad niche breadth were found to have high niche overlap index values and niche proportional similarity. According to the results of the Bray-Curtis similarity analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis(NMDS), there was no significant difference in community composition among the different areas in the Nanji Islands. There was only one weak distinguishing feature within community that divided the community into two groups, one group comprising of species living in the high tidal zone and the upper level of the middle tidal zone, and the other comprising species living in the low tidal zone and the lower level of the middle tidal zone. Thus, we can speculate that the different distribution patterns of the benthic species in the intertidal zones were caused by various factors involved in their environmental adaptability and migration capability. Our results also indicate that the differential environmental adaptability and migration capability of the macrobenthic species may lead to differences in their niche breadth. Since each species assumes its own position in the intertidal zone, the pressure due to inter-specific competition is reduced to some extent, possibly explaining why the niche overlap indices in the Nanji Islands were relatively low.