






Physiological & ecological effects of companion-planted grow seedlings of two crops in the same hole

Henan Agricultural University

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    为了探明不同作物两苗同穴互作育苗提高目的作物幼苗素质的机理,本试验在塑料温棚20-30℃、自然光照条件下,采用532mm×280mm具有200方形孔的塑料育苗盘,用土壤作基质,分别以小麦、玉米、谷子、高粱和目的作物棉花、油菜、番茄、花生、牡丹、烟草同穴播种,研究了互作育苗对育苗土壤微生物、酶活性及根系分泌物的影响,以及对目的作物幼苗根系活力、叶片可溶性糖含量和ATP含量的影响,结果表明:随互作苗的加入,育苗土壤中细菌数量显著增加52.80%-102.76%、放线菌数量显著增加34.11%-76.48%、真菌数量显著降低44.33%-56.14%;所测土壤酶活性显著提高,其中脱氢酶活性显著提高30.57%-66.37%、中性磷酸酶活性显著提高38.17%-54.37%、转化酶活性显著提高23.74%-35.04%、脲酶酶活性显著提高60.25%-85.47%;所测根系分泌物积累量显著减少,其中2,4-二叔丁基苯酚显著减少32.80%-51.65%、2,6-二叔丁基苯酚显著减少36.60%-56.59%、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯显著减少10.42%-49.99%、9-16碳烯酸甲酯显著减少25.62%-55.59%;目的作物则表现为根系活力、叶片可溶性糖含量和ATP含量显著提高,增加了目的作物幼苗根重、苗重和侧根数,离床存活期延长,栽后缓苗期缩短,表现互作促进。在所有互作处理中,以棉花 小麦、棉花 谷子、油菜 谷子、番茄 小麦、番茄 谷子、花生 小麦、花生 谷子、牡丹 谷子、烟草 谷子处理中目的作物幼苗素质表现较好。不同作物两苗同穴互作育苗改善了育苗土壤微生物数量和结构,这可能是提高土壤酶活性和降低土壤有害根系分泌物积累的主要原因,进而提高了目的作物幼苗素质。


    We have developed a companion-planted grow seedlings technique, based on the plastic hole plate method used for large-scale crop seedling production, for growing gramineous crops in combination with target crops such as cotton, rape, tomato, and peanut in the same planting hole. This new grow seedlings method takes advantage of the fibrous root system of gramineous crops to keep the root system of growing seedlings tightly bound together, thus preventing damage to seedling root systems during removal from plastic hole trays and mechanical transplantation into the field. Because of its superior suitability for mechanical transplantation, the technique increases the survival percentage of transplanted seedlings, shortens the post-transplantation convalescence period, and improves target crop quality. To elucidate the mechanisms responsible for enhancing crop seedling quality when two crops are grown in the same hole, we studied the eco-physiological effects of the new technique on soil microorganism quantity, enzyme activity, and root secretion, as well as target crop root vigor and soluble sugar and adenosine triphosphate leaf content. Wheat, maize, millet, and sorghum were used to promote seedling growth of target crops such as cotton, rape, tomato, peanut, peony, and tobacco. Seeds were sown in 532×280 mm2 plastic trays containing 200 square holes with soil as a substrate, and the resulting seedlings were grown under natural light conditions at 20-30℃ in plastic sheds. When crop seedlings were companion-grown in this fashion, the number of bacteria and actinomycetes in the matrix soil increased significantly-by 52.80%-102.76% and 34.11%-76.48%, respectively-and the number of fungi in the soil decreased by 44.33%-56.14%. Soil enzyme activity also increased significantly; for example, increased activity was observed for dehydrogenase (30.57%-66.37%), neutral phosphatase (38.17%-54.37%), invertase (23.74%-35.04%), and urease (60.25%-85.47%). At the same time, significant decreases were detected in root exudates, including 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (32.80%-51.65%), 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (36.60%-56.59%), dibutyl phthalate (10.42%-49.99%), and methyl palmitoleate (25.62%-55.59%). Root vigor and soluble sugar and adenosine triphosphate content in leaves of target crops increased significantly. As a consequence, root weight, seedling weight, and lateral roots of target crops increased; these results revealed robust growth, strong photosynthetic capacity, and greater reserve power, which laid the material and energy foundation for quick regrowth and enhanced survival of transplanted seedlings. Among treatments, the most favorable results were obtained for cotton-wheat, cotton-millet, rape-millet, tomato-wheat, tomato-millet, peanut-wheat, peanut-millet, peony-millet, and tobacco-millet combinations. In conclusion, the quantity and colony composition of soil microorganisms was improved when two seedlings of two crops were companion-planted in the same hole. This soil microorganism enhancement may have been the primary cause of increased soil enzyme activity and decreased accumulation of detrimental root exudates; it would help reduce crop auto-toxicity and improve soil nutritional conditions, thus boosting target crop seedling quality. Soil microorganisms play an important role in soil nutrition transformation, organic matter decomposition, detrimental material degradation, and soil fertility recovery. In addition, they can produce growth stimulants and antibiotics, which stimulate crop growth and suppress growth of harmful microorganisms, respectively. The improved soil microorganism composition and increased soil enzyme activity observed when seedlings of two crops were companion-planted may be related to additive effects of root system exudates from the two crops; both crop type and nutritional situation may affect the quantity and type of these secretions, which enhance soil microbe quantity and soil enzyme activity.



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