






Climatic suitability of potential spring maize cultivation distribution in China

Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;School of Atmospheric Physics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change,Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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    根据中国气象局216个春玉米农业气象观测站资料与1971-2000年10 km×10 km空间分辨率的气候资料,基于全国区域和年尺度筛选出了影响我国玉米种植分布的潜在气候指标,利用最大熵(Maximum Entropy,MaxEnt)模型和ArcGIS空间分析技术,构建了春玉米潜在种植分布与气候因子关系模型,研究了影响我国春玉米潜在种植分布区的主导气候因子及其气候适宜性。结果表明,影响我国春玉米潜在种植分布的主导气候因子有:≥10 ℃积温、≥10 ℃的天数、最热月平均温度、年平均温度、年降水、湿润指数和气温年较差;结合春玉米存在概率,将我国春玉米潜在种植分布区划分成4个等级:气候不适宜区、次适宜区、适宜区和最适宜区,给出了各气候适宜区的气候特征。选取作物在待预测地区的存在概率这一综合反映各主导气候因子影响的指标来划分作物潜在种植分布区,有助于更加准确地进行气候区划,从而可为制定玉米应对气候变化措施提供科学依据。


    Based on the spring maize cultivation geographical information from 216 agricultural meteorological observation stations of China Meteorological Administration, climate data with 10km×10km spatial resolution from 1971 to 2000 in China, and the potential climate indices at national and annual scales influencing maize cultivation distribution from the references, together with the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model as well as ArcGIS spatial analysis technique, the relationship between potential spring maize cultivation distribution and climate and the climatic suitability regionalization of potential spring maize cultivation in China were studied in this paper. The results show that the MaxEnt model is able to develop the relationship between potential spring maize cultivation distribution and climate. The key climatic factors affecting spring maize cultivation distribution include ≥10℃ accumulated temperature, duration days of ≥10℃, the warmest month average temperature, annual average temperature, annual precipitation, humidity index and annual temperature range. The climatic suitability regionalization of potential spring maize cultivation in China was given by the existence probability from the relationship between potential spring maize cultivation distribution and climate. According to the statistical principles and the description of probability from the Fourth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the suitability class of spring maize cultivation distribution was given by the existence probability (P): P<0.05 (unsuitable area), 0.05≤P<0.33 (less suitable area), 0.33≤P<0.66 (suitable area), and P≥0.66 (optimum area). The optimum area of spring maize was approx. 5% of the total land area in China, included midwest and northeast parts of Heilongjiang province; midwest part of Jilin province; Liaoning province; parts of Hebei, Shanxi, Shannxi provinces, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia for short) and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang for short). The suitable area of spring maize was approx. 30%, which included south of Heihe city in Heilongjiang province; Jilin province except its east part; most parts of Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Shannxi, Shandong, Hubei, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Chongqing provinces and Ningxia Hui Auonomous Region (Ningxia for short); Tongliao, Chifeng, Hohhot and Erdos in Inner Mongolia; middle and south Gansu province; Sichuan basin; small parts of Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Yunnan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi for short); Shannan district of Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region (Xizang for short). The less suitable area was approx. 34%, mainly included south Huma county in Heilongjiang province; west Inner Mongolia; north Gansu; most parts of the South Yangtze River Regions and South China; most parts of Xinjiang and Yunnan provinces. The unsuitable area of spring maize was approx. 31% of the total land area in China, which included north part of 52.6°N; east Inner Mongolia; east Jilin province; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and high latitude areas of Xijiang. The north boundary of spring maize cultivation distribution given by P≥0.05 was around 52.6°N, and it is very close to the actual cultivation boundary at present. Furthermore, the climatic characteristics of different climatic suitability zones of potential spring maize cultivation were discussed. The actual distribution of spring maize cultivation in China depends not only on climate, socio-economic conditions, and local production technologies, but also on soil type, geographic characteristics, crop varieties, human activity and so on, especially in relation to its yield and economic value. This research provides scientific support for planning spring maize production and designing the countermeasures against the effects of climate change on spring maize.



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