
南京林业大学,南京S S越南林业大学,南京林业大学,南京S S越南林业大学,南京林业大学,南京S S越南林业大学,南京林业大学,南京S S越南林业大学,南京林业大学,南京S S越南林业大学






Fruit diet, Selectivity and Seed dispersal of Hatinh langur (Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis)

College of Forest Resource and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,College of Forest Resource and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,College of Forest Resource and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,College of Forest Resource and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,College of Forest Resource and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University

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    喀斯特森林的生态环境较其他类型的森林更为脆弱。由于抗干扰和恢复能力低,喀斯特森林中种子扩散对维持植物种群的续存与更新具极其重要的作用。叶猴以叶为主要食物,果实是仅列其后的第二大食物资源。对分布于喀斯特生境的叶猴来说,它们对果实的取食具有潜在的种子传播作用。基于此,于2009年7月-2010年12月,在越南广平的风芽-格邦国家自然公园,通过实地跟踪观察结合粪便收集调查了河静黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis)对果实的选择及其对种子的潜在扩散作用。河静黑叶猴全年共采食果实类食物38科131种,取食的果实种类和取食高峰持续期均高于其他地区黑叶猴对果实的取食。这得益于当地原始雨林中丰富的果实食物资源。河静黑叶猴对果实种类没有明显的选择偏好(-0.3112种果实<0.3),果实资源的可获得性亦不影响其对果实的取食频次(r=-0.13,P=0.15>0.05),在雨季的果实食物种类和取食强度上均高于旱季(z=-2.903,P=0.02<0.05)。在果实性状的选择上,河静黑叶猴对处理难度较小的浆果和核果(两种类型的果实共106种,占80.9%)有明显的选择偏好,更多地选择黄色(46种)、红色(29种)和绿色(14种)(三种颜色的果实占果实种类的68.7%),重量多为5 g以上较大的果实(共104种,占果实种类的79.4%),更多地选择果实内仅有1-2颗种子的果实。河静黑叶猴多吞食直径小于3 cm的种子,在猴群的粪便中发现了85种果实的种子,尤以肉质的浆果和核果最多,如垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)、柿叶青梅(Vatica diospyroides)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)等。最远传播距离可达397 m。对其他的果实,则以吐出或丢弃的方式短距离传播,多集中在6-20 m范围。河静黑叶猴是一些果实较大或果皮较硬的植物重要的潜在扩散媒介,因为此类种子不能依靠鸟类吞食传播,如水浦桃(Syzygium jambos)、红毛丹(Nephelium lappaceum)和木奶果(Baccaurea ramiflora)等。河静黑叶猴一年中在雨季的夏秋两季(8-12月)对果实的取食强度达到高峰,这期间每月在猴群粪便中发现的种子数量均超过1000。结果反映出河静黑叶猴对喀斯特森林中的果实植物种子有潜在的传播作用。


    The ecological environment of karst forests is highly fragile compared to other forest types. Seed dispersal is extremely important for karst forest, assisting in maintaining plant biodiversity, resulting in lower anti-interference ability and forest resilience. Langurs are believed to be significant dispersers of seed within some forests. The langurs' diet consists mainly of leaves; however, fruits are an important supplement. Through their fruit feeding behavior, langurs that inhabit limestone forests are suspected to facilitate seed dispersal. This potentially means that they play a role in maintaining karst forest biodiversity. We investigated fruit selectivity and seed dispersal behavior of the Hatinh langur (Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis) in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam. Our study was undertaken from July 2009 to December 2010, where we used instantaneous scan sampling and direct observation. The Hatinh langurs were observed consuming fruit from 131 plant species. These species belonged to 38 different plant families. Hatinh langurs fed on a greater number of fruit-bearing plant species and for a longer peak duration compared to Franois' langur living in other areas. This is because the abundance of numerous fruit resources in the rainforest of the National Park. The results of our analysis reflected the behavior of Hatinh langurs, which showed a relatively low selective preference of fruit species (-0.3112 of fruit species< 0.3). In addition, food resource availability of different fruit species did not significantly affect langur feeding intensity (r=-0.13, P=0.15>0.05). However, we found that the number of fruit species and langur feeding intensity was greater in monsoon season compared with the dry season (z=-2.903,P=0.02<0.05). Hatinh langurs demonstrated preference feeding on berries and drupes (106 species of two fruit kinds, 80.9% of fruit diet), as both are easily handled because of the large pericarp. These fruit are relatively large (104 species > 5g of fruit weight, 79.3% of fruit diet). Although fruit color varied, three colors were preferred by the langurs; yellow (46 species), red (30 species) and green (14 species) from a total of 90 fruits (68.7% of fruit diet). Hatinh langurs were able to swallow seeds (<3cm) from 85 plant species and disperse seed up to 397m. They favored fleshly fruits such as Ficus benjamina, Vatica diospyroides, Broussonetia papyrifera, Allospondias lakonensis, Syzygium samarangense and Ficus hispida. This langur may play an important dispersal role in plant species with large thick-husked fruits, such as Syzygium jambos, Nephelium lappaceum and Baccaurea ramiflora. This is because frugivorous birds are unable to swallow the seed of such fruits. The feeding period of the langur on fruits sustains them for > six months of the year. During the rainy season (August to December), the feeding intensity by the langur on fruit peaked, with monthly fecal seed counts being > 1000. Our results suggest that the Hatinh langur plays a key role as a seed disperser enhancing the dispersal of large fruit plants. The correlation between monkeys and fruit plants may mean that the Hatinh langur has an important role maintaining the biodiversity in karst forests.



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