
临沂大学生命科学学院 山东 临沂;扬州大学生物科学与技术学院 江苏 扬州;临沂市农业科学院 山东 临沂,临沂市农业科学院 山东 临沂,扬州大学生物科学与技术学院 江苏 扬州





国家自然科学基金资助项目(31001027, 31272480)

The association of OPRK1 gene SNP with sika deer (Cervus nippon) diurnal behavior traits

College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou;Linyi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Linyi,Linyi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Linyi,College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou

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    采用目标动物取样法(Focal Animal Sampling)对江苏省扬州市平山堂养殖场及扬州市动物园48只梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的昼间行为进行观察,以Kappa阿片受体(Kappa Opoioid Receptor 1, OPRK1)为目的基因,采用单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs)方法,利用引物P-5和P-9获得OPRK1基因的不同基因型,并将二者进行最小二乘均值的多重比较,以确定OPRK1基因SNP与梅花鹿昼间行为的相关性。结果表明,引物P-5各基因型间与修饰行为两两差异显著(P<0.05),其它行为EE型和FF型差异显著(P<0.05),而另外5种行为性状在各个基因型中没有检测到显著差异;引物P-9各基因型间卧息行为GG型和GH型个体行为之间存在极显著差异(P<0.01),观望行为GG型、HH型和GH型3种基因型个体两两之间差异显著(P<0.05),修饰行为HH型和另外两者差异显著(P<0.05)。研究表明,OPRK1基因多态性和梅花鹿昼间行为性状存在一定相关。


    Genetics can help us understand why identical circumstances can elicit different behavioral responses among individuals. It is widely accepted that Kappa Opioid Receptor 1(OPRK1) gene is involved in modulating behavioral performance in response to environmental conditions. The OPRK1 gene has been intensively studied; however, no studies have addressed the effect of OPRK1 gene polymorphisms on behavioral traits in sika deer (Cervus nippon). This study investigated the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the OPRK1 gene and behavior traits of sika deer in the Ping-Shan-Tang farm (25 deer) and Zhu-Yu-Wan Park (23 deer), Yangzhou city, Jiangsu province, China. The deer on Ping-Shan-Tang farm were housed in four 20 × 10 m paddocks with shelters of mantle. In Zhu-Yu-Wan Park, the deer were roamed in a fenced paddock of grasses, shrubs and trees (100 m × 50 m). All deer were marked by ear-notches and collar-tags for easy identification and were aged between 3 and 7 years. The study was conducted in two phases: from July to December, 2006, and again from Feb to June, 2007, during all weather conditions. Focal-animal sampling and all-occurrence recording was used to determine the period of time spent on each behavior. Eight hours were spent collecting data for per day, including weekdays and weekends. Four days were used to observe every week. The observations were conducted at the same times each day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and subjects were sampled in a different order each day (using random numbers). After all observations, blood samples ( 10 mL) were collected from the jugular vein using vacuum tubes with acid citrate dextrose anticoagulant and then stored at -20℃. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood using a standard phenol /chloroform protocol, dissolved in sterile water at a concentration of 100 ng /μL and then kept at -20℃ until use. PCR amplification and SSCP analysis of the OPRK1 gene were performed using nine pairs of primers. Two pairs of primers (P-5 and P-9) amplified polymorphic fragments. Three genotypes were identified by SSCP for each of the fragments amplified by the primer pairs. The least-square analysis and post-hoc multiple comparison were employed to detect the relationship between the primer of P-5 and P-9 genotypes and the behavior traits using SPSS 14.0 software. The results showed that the EE, EF and FF genotype of the P-5 primer had significantly difference on grooming behavior, and significant difference was found between EE and FF genotype with other behavior (P<0.05). But for the other five behaviors, no significant difference was detected. Highly significant differences in relaxing behavior were produced between the GG and GH genotypes of the primer P-9 fragment (P<0.01). There was a significant difference among the GG, GH and HH genotypes with respect to observing behavior (P<0.05). The significant difference results were also found on the grooming behavior between HH and the other two genotypes (P<0.05). We conclude that polymorphisms in the OPRK1 gene may be involved in some aspects of behavioral traits in sika deer.


吕慎金,杨燕,魏万红. OPRK1基因SNP与梅花鹿昼间行为性状的相关性.生态学报,2013,33(1):132~139

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