





国家自然科学基金项目(71003090);环保公益项目(201009055) ;国际合作项目(2009DFB90120)

Carbon footprint analysis on urban energy use: a case study of Xiamen, China

Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences,,Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences,,

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    城市能源利用碳足迹分析综合考虑直接与间接碳排放,对于深度分析碳排放的本质过程、制定科学全面的碳减排计划具有重要意义。以厦门市为研究案例,应用碳足迹的混合分析方法,对厦门市2009年能源利用碳足迹进行了分析,除了包括传统研究中的城市能源终端利用产生的直接碳排放,还计算了跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放。研究结果表明:(1)城市边界内的工业、交通、商业等部门的能源消耗产生的直接碳排放(即层次1和层次2)只占到总碳足迹的64%,而一直被忽略的跨界交通和城市主要消耗物质的内含能引起的间接碳排放(层次3)占到36%;(2)在直接碳排放中,工业部门的碳排放贡献率最大,占到直接碳排放的55%,其中化工行业带来的碳排放占到工业部门的25%;(3)在间接碳排放中,跨界交通引起的碳排放占间接碳排放的27%,其中长途道路运输贡献率最大,占跨界交通碳排放的38%;主要材料内含能碳排放占间接碳排的73%,其中燃料的内含能碳排放占总内含能的份额最大,达51%。;(4)从人均碳足迹角度比较,厦门市人均碳足迹和丹佛市的人均直接碳排(层次1+层次2)分别为5.74 t CO2e/人、18.9 t CO2e/人,包含3个层次的人均碳足迹分别为9.01 t CO2e/人、25.3 t CO2e/人,其中跨界交通引起的碳排放均占总碳足迹的10%左右,主要材料的内含能引起的碳排放分别占到总碳足迹的26%、15%;通过国内外典型城市不同层次碳足迹比较可见厦门还是相对低碳的,但有个显著的特点是主要消耗物质的内含碳排放比例较高,这在一定程度上说明了发展中国家城市消耗更多的基础材料,进一步证明了传统核算中忽略的第3层次碳排放核算与管理的重要性。


    Because of increasing concern about global climate change, there has been a growing research interest in carbon footprint analysis recent years. Carbon footprint analysis on urban energy use takes both direct carbon emissions and indirect emissions into account, so it has great significance for the in-depth analysis on nature process of carbon emissions and scientific formulation on carbon reduction plan. Taking Xiamen as a study area, the hybrid analysis method of carbon footprint was used to access the carbon footprint on the energy use of Xiamen city in 2009. Besides the direct carbon emissions from the urban energy end-use in traditional research, the indirect carbon emissions from the cross-boundary traffic and the embodied energy of key urban materials were also included. The direct emissions include emissions from direct energy use in industrial sector, commercial sector, household sector, transport sector and so on, which often called scope 1 by WRI/WBCSD. The direct emissions also include emissions due to electricity and steam purchases for the sector in the city, often called scope 2 emissions. And indirect carbon emissions, which called scope 3, incorporate the surface, sailing and airline travel's emissions across cities and the embodied energy of key urban materials: food, water, fuel, and concrete. Research result showed that: (1) Direct carbon emissions from the energy use on the sectors inside the city boundary including industry, transport, commerce and so on, namely scope 1 and scope 2, only take up 64% of the total city carbon footprint. However, the indirect emissions from the cross-boundary traffic and embodied energy of key urban materials account for 36%, which has usually been ignored as scope 3. (2) In the direct emissions, the carbon emissions of industry contributed the largest share, which counts for 55%. And the emissions from the chemical industry account for 25% of the whole industry sector. (3) In the indirect emissions, the shares of emissions from cross-boundary traffic and embodied energy of key urban materials were 27% and 73% respectively. The carbon emissions of long-distance road transport take the largest proportion of cross-boundary traffic, which accounted for 38%. And the embodied energy emissions from the fuel were the most important part of embodied energy emissions, accounting for 51% of embodied emissions. (4) From the perspective of per capital carbon footprint, the per capital direct carbon emissions of Xiamen and Denver were 5.74 t CO2e/cap and 18.9 t CO2e/cap respectively. And the per capital carbon footprint of Xiamen and Denver, including direct and indirect emissions caused by the energy use, were 9.01 t CO2e/cap and 25.3 t CO2e/cap. In the total carbon footprint by Xiamen and Denver, the emissions from the cross-boundary transport all took up 10%, and the emissions caused by embodied energy of key urban materials were 26% and 15% respectively. The embodied emissions by Xiamen were relatively higher than Denver because the urbanization and industrialization consumed more materials in Xiamen. Comparing the per capital carbon emission excluding embodied emissions with typical cities in the worldwide, Denver took the first place with 21.5 t CO2e/cap, and Los Angeles, New York City, London, Bangkok, Cape Town and big city like Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing in China were more than 10 t CO2e/cap averagely. That of Xiamen was 6.63 t CO2e/cap, which was far less than most cities.



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