




国家海洋公益性项目(200705014); 宁波市科技局重大科技攻关项目(2006C100030); 浙江省海洋环保和生态建设项目(浙海渔计[2009]214号)

Distribution of marine bacteria and their environmental factors in Xiangshan Bay

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    于2007年的7月(夏季)、11月(秋季) 与2008年的1月(冬季)、4月(春季)用高保真、无扰动重力柱状取样器替代常规抓斗式采样,首次系统研究了象山港海域的水样(表层海水和上覆水)及沉积物中细菌丰度的时空分布特征,并采用主成分分析及多元逐步回归分析方法研究了影响细菌丰度时空分布的主要环境因素,结果表明:调查期间象山港海域的细菌的丰度较高,象山港海域的富营养化较严重。调查期间象山港海域水样及沉积物样品中细菌丰度实测值的变化范围为1.50×105 ― 9.78×1010个/mL (个/g),总均值为2.76×109个/mL(个/g);季节分布特征为夏季(7月)极显著高于其他季节,赤潮的暴发导致春季(4月)的调查结果最低。浮游细菌丰度表现为底层均大于表层的垂直分布特征;平面分布特征均为从港顶到港口递减、养殖区高于非养殖区、电厂附近海域出现较高值的趋势,近岸人类的工农业活动造成的陆源污染及海水增养殖活动造成的养殖污染是造成此分布特征的主要原因。多元统计结果表明:溶解氧、水温、营养盐(N、P)、pH以及有机质污染等是影响该海域细菌丰度的最主要因素。


    Marine bacteria in water or sediment are often closely linked to environmental conditions in their surrounding, thus influencing their distribution and abundance. In order to estimate the distribution of marine bacteria in Xiangshan Bay, undisturbed overlying seawater, sediment and surface seawater bacteria were analysed by staining with 4, 6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole and observed with Epifluorescence Microscope (EFM). Environmental parameters such as seawater temperature (ST), salinity (SS), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD) as well as NO-3-N, NO-2-N, DIN, NH+4-N, DIP, TN, PO3-4-P and chlorophyll a (Chla) values were measured at the same time. Samples were collected with a cylindrical high fidelity gravity sampler instead of the conventional grab sampler.
    Bacteria abundance in July 2007, October 2007, January 2008 and April 2008, representing the situation for summer, autumn, winter and spring, ranged from 1.50×105 to 9.78×1010 cells/mL (cells/g), with a mean of 2.76×109cells/mL (cells/g). Significantly high values could be observed for bacteria abundance in July (summer) compared to other sampling time. A red tide outbreak during the sampling event in April 2008 could have contributed to the lowest bacteria abundance value observed for the whole study period. In vertical direction, the number of bacteria in the overlying water or in the sediment was higher than that in the surface seawater. The mean number of bacteria abundance in overlying water, in the sediment and in surface seawater was 9.70×107cells/mL, 7.40×109 cells/mL and 4.61×109cells/mL respectively. In horizontal direction, we draw the contour maps of the number of bacteria with the software 'surfer 8.0’. According to the contour map we found that the number of bacteria decreased from the top to the mouth of the bay with higher abundance near the breeding areas. Very high values of bacteria abundance was also observed near power plant: sample from station S25 showed higher bacteria abundance than other stations during all the cruises. Seawater temperature, the nutrients (NO-3-N, DIN), pH, Chla and COD of the surface seawater were significantly positive (P < 0.01) correlated with the bacteria abundance of the surface seawater while DO and the nutrients (NH+4-N) of the surface seawater were significant negative correlated (P < 0.01) with the bacteria abundance of the surface seawater. Bacteria abundance of overlying seawater were significant positive correlated (P < 0.01) to seawater temperature, the nutrients (NO-2-N, DIP) and the pH of bottom seawater whereas DO was significant negative correlated (P < 0.01). The results of multivariate statistical analysis showed that dissolved oxygen, seawater temperature, the nutrients (N, P), pH and organic pollution were the main factors influencing the abundance and distribution of marine bacteria in Xiangshan Bay.
    Such spatial distribution of bacteria demonstrated that anthropogenic coastal land pollution from industrial and agricultural activities and from maricultures played the key roles in the occurrence of marine benthic bacteria.



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