





Assessment of maize water adequacy in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province

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    运用甘肃省天水、西峰农业气象试验站1981—2008年玉米观测资料及两地相应时段的气象资料,利用FAO Penman-Monteith公式及作物系数对玉米各生育阶段的需水量进行估算,建立了玉米水分适宜度计算模型,对1981-2008年玉米全生育期及各生育阶段的水分适宜度进行了计算,分析了玉米产量与水分适宜度的相关性。结果表明,甘肃省黄土高原种植玉米的水分条件比较优越,年平均水分适宜度均在0.50以上。陇西黄土高原(天水)与陇东黄土高原(西峰)水分适宜度相关程度较好,变化趋势比较一致。1995年是水分适宜度的转折年份,1981-1995年陇西黄土高原水分适宜度以0.12/10a的趋势降低,陇东黄土高原以011/10a的趋势下降;1995-2008年陇西黄土高原水分适宜度以0.18/10a的趋势升高,陇东黄土高原以006/10a的趋势上升。水分适宜程度以成熟期较好,降水量可满足玉米需水的70%以上,旺盛生长阶段水分适宜程度较差,降水量只能满足玉米生理需水的49%-55%,初始生长阶段耗水较少,大气降水对需水的满足程度在50%以上。出苗期—七叶期、拔节期—抽雄期、抽雄期—乳熟期、乳熟期—成熟期的水分适宜度呈20世纪80年代较高,90年代较低,21世纪初较高的趋势变化;七叶期—拔节期水分适宜度从20世纪80年代到21世纪初持续降低。陇东黄土高原各个生长阶段的水分适宜度比陇西黄土高原偏高约0.1。除成熟生长阶段外,陇西黄土高原的需水量均大于陇东黄土高原。水分适宜度与玉米产量相关性最显著的时期为七叶期—拔节期,其次为拔节期—抽雄期,出苗期—七叶期、抽雄期—乳熟期及乳熟期—成熟期的水分适宜度与玉米产量相关性不显著。利用建立的水分适宜度模型可对甘肃省黄土高原旱作玉米的水分适宜性进行评价,为当地玉米种植区划及科学管理提供依据。


    Water scarcity is the primary limiting factor in crop production in vast north-western China. Crop water requirement depends mainly on the nature and stage of growth of the crop and environmental conditions. To assess the relationship of water conditions and crop production, we analyzed the water adequacy level and production in maize during the entire growth stages in the Loess Plateau in Gansu province. Maize phonological data and corresponding meteorological data covering the period between 1981 and 2008 were collected in the Tianshui and Xifeng Agrometeorological Experimental Stations. Based on these data, water requirement of maize during all developmental stages was analyzed by using crop coefficient and the FAO Penman-Monteith formula. A model was generated. The results indicated that water supply was generally adequate for maize growth in Gansu Loess Plateau, with an annual mean water adequacy index (WAI) higher than 0.50. The WAI in Longdong (Xifeng) and Longxi Loess Plateau (Tianshui) showed a correlative relationship, exhibiting a similar trend in variation over the last 28 years. Historically, the year of 1995 was a turnning point in WAI. From 1981 to 1995, the WAI was decreased by 0.12 every ten years in Longxi Loess Plateau and 0.11 in Longdong Loess Plateau. However, from 1995 to 2008, it was increased by 0.18 per 10 years in Longxi Loess Plateau and 0.06 in Longdong Loess Plateau. Among the various growth stages of maize, WAI was at its best during the maturation stage; suboptimal during the early growth stage, and poor during the fast growth stage. Air precipitation satisfied more than 70% of the water requirement of maize during maturation stage, whereas only about 49%-55% of the requirement during the fast growth stage. WAI during stages of germination to seven leaves, jointing to tasseling, tasseling to milky maturation, and milky maturation to full maturation remained high in the 1980s, low in 1990s and returned high in the early 2000s. WAI in the period of seven leaves to jointing stayed continuously low from 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century. Geographically, WAI in Longxi Loess Plateau was higher by 0.1 than that in Longdong Loess Plateau. The water requirement of maize in Longxi Loess Plateau was higher than Longdong Loess Plateau in all growth stages except the maturation stage. The correlation between maize climate yield and the WAI was most significant in seven-leaf to jointing stage, followed by jointing to heading stage, suggesting that these two stages are critical in water requirement. Such a correlation was notable in jointing to tasseling stage, but it was non-significant in stages of germination to seven leaves, tasseling to milky maturation, and milky maturation to maturation. This model on WAI and maize growth/production can be used to evaluate the suitability for maize growing in areas in Gansu Loess Plateau and provide scientific basis for crop management for higher yields.



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