





Seasonal dynamics of culturable bacterium numbers in freshwater bodies of different water quality in Beijing

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    2008年8月-2009年7月,利用平板菌落计数方法,研究了北京不同水质等级(Ⅱ-Ⅴ) 的团城湖、昆明湖、紫竹园湖、玉渊潭湖、陶然亭湖、龙潭湖、北海、通惠河等8个水体可培养细菌数量的季节动态变化。结果表明:温度最低的2月份可培养细菌数最低(4.72±6.37),而温度最高的8月份可培养细菌数最高(8.04±3.72);总平均可培养细菌数由高到低的顺序为夏季(6-8月)>秋季(9-11月)>冬季(12-2月)>春季(3-5月),而且夏季、秋季显著高于春季;相关性分析表明可培养细菌数与温度显著正相关。可培养细菌数量随水质等级的增加而升高,其中Ⅴ级水体可培养细菌数量显著高于Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级水体,而Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级水体之间的可培养细菌数量没有显著差异;相关性分析表明可培养细菌数与水质等级显著正相关。不同污染等级水体可培养细菌数的季节变化不同,低污染水体(团城湖、昆明湖、玉渊潭湖、北海)可培养细菌数在不同季节之间差异显著,夏、秋季显著高于冬、春季;而高污染水体(陶然亭湖、紫竹园湖、龙潭湖、通惠河)可培养细菌数的季节差异不显著。在不同水质等级中可培养细菌数与水温相关性存在明显差异,其中低污染的Ⅱ、Ⅲ级水体可培养细菌数与温度显著正相关,而高污染的Ⅳ、Ⅴ级水体可培养细菌数与温度相关性不显著。研究结果显示温度和水质等级是影响可培养细菌数的重要因素。


    Investigation of seasonal dynamics of culturable bacterium (CB) numbers in freshwater bodies is essential in understanding the bacterium response to various class quality water systems, and subsequently should provide critical knowledge on the bioremediation of contaminated water. In this study, eight representative freshwater bodies in Beijing were selected which can be categorized into four different water quality levels (Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅴ). Among these water bodies, Tuancheng lake, Kunming lake, Yuyuantan lake, and Beihai lake were regarded as low pollution sites, because the water quality in the sites were better than Ⅲ-class standards during the most time of a year. However, Taoranting lake, Zizhuyuan lake, Longtan lake, and Tonghui river were regarded as highly contaminated sites, because the water quality in these sites were worse than Ⅳ-class during the most time of a year. The seasonal dynamics of CB numbers in the eight freshwater bodies were investigated using culture method from August 2008 to July 2009. The results indicated that CB numbers were lowest (4.72±6.37) in February and highest (8.04±3.72) in August. The total average numbers of culturable bacteria from high to low were 6.68±1.91 in summer (Jun.-Aug.), 6.60±2.10 in autumn (Sept.-Nov.), 5.80±2.33 in winter (Dec.-Feb.), and 4.90±2.04 in spring (Mar.-May). The average culturable bacteria numbers were significantly lower in spring than that in summer and autumn, but there were no significant difference of BN number between spring and winter and among the summer, autumn and winter. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the CB numbers and temperature. CB numbers were elevated with the increase of water quality class, and CB numbers reached the highest in Ⅴ-class water quality sites. On the other hand, no significant difference in CB numbers among the Ⅱ-, Ⅲ- and Ⅳ-class water quality sites. CB numbers were positively correlated with water quality class. There was a significant seasonal dynamics of CB numbers in low pollution sites with Ⅱ- and Ⅲ-class water quality, but not in high pollution sites with Ⅳ- and Ⅴ-class water quality. The average numbers of culturable bacteria in low pollution sites were 6.54±2.06 in summer, 6.33±1.73 in autumn, 4.75±1.83 in winter, and 4.26±1.09 in spring. Two ranges could thus be divided in terms of numbers into high (6.54-6.33, summer and autumn) and low (4.75-4.26, winter and spring), and the difference between high and low ranges was statistically significant. However, no significant difference exists within high range seasons (spring and winter) and low range seasons (summer and autumn). In comparison, the average numbers of culturable bacteria in highly contaminated sites were 6.86±2.32 in autumn, 6.85±2.39 in winter, 6.82±1.83 in summer, and 5.52±2.58 in spring. No significant difference was observed in terms of average culturable bacteria number among spring, summer, autumn, and winter. CB numbers were positively correlated with temperature for the Ⅱ- and Ⅲ-class water quality sites, but no significant correlation between CB numbers and temperature for Ⅳ- and Ⅴ-class water quality sites. The results demonstrated that the CB numbers were significantly influenced by temperature and water quality.



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