





Dynamics of atmospheric PM2.5,NOX,CO during the Beijing Olympic Games

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    为了成功举办第29届奥运会,确保北京奥运期间空气质量良好,采取交通管制和工厂停工等临时减排措施改善北京空气环境,希望通过这些措施使大气污染物排放量大幅度降低。在奥运前的综合治理措施中,已经对北京市的烟尘和粉尘排放控制起到了明显效果。在奥运期间更是执行了严格的燃煤污染控制和工业污染控制措施。奥运期间19家重点排污企业和4家燃煤电厂,采取压缩产量、调整运行方式、加强污染设施运行管理等措施,在确保达标基础上,减排30%。并从2008年7月1日起执行世界上最严格的燃煤锅炉排放标准限值。为控制工业污染,150多家重污染企业停产减产限产。这些举措使得奥运期间烟尘和粉尘的排放量大大减少,对PM2.5、NOX、CO的浓度下降起重要作用。此外,奥运期间城区工地停止土石方工程和混凝土浇注工程,对减少施工扬尘、建筑扬尘有明显效果。机关单位、商场、居民实行了错峰上下班措施和公交出行等绿色出行方式,进一步减少了PM2.5、NOX、CO的来源和积累。利用北京城市系统生态研究站的空气环境质量监测数据,对奥运期间北京可吸入颗粒物(PM2.5)、氮氧化物(NOX)、一氧化碳(CO)的日平均浓度的动态特征及其气象因素的关系进行了分析。结果表明:北京奥运期间PM2.5、NOX、CO在生态中心观测点与教学植物园观测点的平均浓度分别为0.060和0.070、0.065mg/m3和0.03、065和1.10mg/m3,显著低于奥运后PM2.5、NOX、CO日平均浓度。奥运后PM2.5日平均浓度与奥运期间比较,生态中心站与教学植物园站分别升高3.3%与58.8%,NOX日平均浓度与奥运期间比较2个站分别升高76.9%和56.7%,CO日平均浓度与奥运期间比较2个站分别升高56.5%和163%。奥运期间PM2.5 、NOX、CO质量浓度的日变化都呈双峰现象,一个峰出现在7:00-10:00之间,另一个峰出现在18:00-23:00之间,这一特征与通常的北京空气污染物日变化过程一致,污染物浓度日变化双峰现象,虽与气象条件有关,但汽车尾气排放也是一个重要影响因素。主要是由于上班、上学、交通运输的高峰期,车流量大,尾气排放量也大,从而可能对形成上午与夜间的两个PM2.5 、NOX、CO浓度高峰起了重要作用。奥运期间污染物除了生态中心监测点的PM2.5小时平均浓度与小时平均温度、风速有显著相关性,与其他气象因素并无相关性。研究表明奥运期间实施的临时空气环境污染控制措施有明显的效果。


    In order to improve the air quality during the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing government had took a series of temporary measures, such as traffic management and close of factories during the period of the Olympic Game from July 20 to September 20, 2008. Those measures had a significant effect on reducing smoke and dusts emission. For reducing the emission by 30% after the standard achieved, 19 key enterprises and 4 coal-burning power plants reduced production, adjusted operation modes, pollution managements and implemented some other measures during the Olympic Games. The strictest emission limit of coal-fired boiler was carried out since 1st July, 2008. More than 150 heavy polluting enterprises were shut down, reduced production or limited production in order to control industry pollution. Otherwise, prohibition of earthworks and concrete pouring projects in urban during the Olympics also reduced the pollution. Green ways of travel such as taking different working hour, choose the public transportation journey, could further reducing the sources and accumulation of PM2.5 ,NOX,CO.In this paper, the concentrations and their dynamics of three main air pollutant, including PM2.5, NOX and CO, were analyzed based on the monitoring data from the Beijing Urban Ecosystem Research Stations. The average concentration of CO at the Research Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) and Beijing Teaching Botanical Garden (BTBG) reached the first class standard of our country both during and after the period of the Olympic Games, meanwhile PM2.5 average concentration exceeded the American national standard. The average concentration of PM2.5, NOX and CO at the Research Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) were 0.060 mg/m3, 0.065 mg/m3and 0.065 mg/m3, respectively, while the average concentration were 0.07 mg/m3, 0.03 mg m-3 and 1.10 mg/m3, respectively, at the Beijing Teaching Botanical Garden (BTBG). Their concentrations were obviously increased after the Olympic Game. The concentrations of PM2.5, NOX and CO raised by 3.3%, 76.9% and 56.5% at the RCEES, and by 58.8%, 56.7% and 163% at the BTBG, respectively. The quantity and concentration of PM2.5,NOX,CO showed double peaks appeared at 7:00-10:00 and 18:00-23:00, respectively according with the normal daily dynamics of air pollution. Weather conditions and traffic emission were supposed to be the key factors contributed to this phenomenon, especially the emission from the growing number of cars in rush hours. There was no significant correlation between the three air pollutant concentrations and the meteorological factors except that the hourly average PM2.5 concentration at the RCEES was significantly correlated with the hourly mean temperature and wind speed. No significant correlation between the daily average concentration of PM2.5 and weather condition mentioned above were observed neither before nor after the Olympic Games. Weather conditions during the whole period of Olympic Games were not improved comparing with the weather conditions before the Olympic Games. However, average concentrations of PM2.5 ,NOX,CO during the period of the Olympic games were significantly lower than the average concentrations after the Olympic games. Our monitoring results suggested that the temporary air pollution control measures during the 2008 Olympic Game were effective.



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