生态学报  2014, Vol. 34 Issue (3): 597-604


潘延鑫, 罗纨, 贾忠华, 刘文龙, 李山, 武迪
PAN Yanxin, LUO Wan, JIA Zhonghua, LIU Wenlong, LI Shan, WU Di
Monitoring salt and water dynamics in farmland and drainage ditch in a saline environment under reduced drainage intensity
生态学报, 2014, 34(3): 597-604
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(3): 597-604


潘延鑫, 罗纨 , 贾忠华, 刘文龙, 李山, 武迪    
西安理工大学教育部西北水资源与环境生态重点实验室, 西安 710048
关键词盐碱地    排水沟    电导率    地下水埋深    农田    
Monitoring salt and water dynamics in farmland and drainage ditch in a saline environment under reduced drainage intensity
PAN Yanxin, LUO Wan , JIA Zhonghua, LIU Wenlong, LI Shan, WU Di    
Northwest Key Laboratory of Water Resource and Environment Ecology, Ministry of Education Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
Abstract:The fast population growth and rapid urban development in China have made it necessary to develop marginal lands for agricultural use. One approach to meet such land requirement is to reclaim the existing salinized wasteland through engineering measures through artificial drainage. As salt content in soils poses potential threat to crop growth, understanding the relationships of salt and water exchange between farmland and drainage ditches is of great importance for salinity control in the saline agricultural environment. In this paper, we present a 2 year monitoring study on salt and water dynamics in a reclaimed salt affected farmland area in Shaanxi, China. In 2 strip fields of 100×400m, we observed water table depth and measured electrical conductivity (EC) of water samples taken from monitoring wells, those wells were installed at 1, 2 and 3 m in depth in a cluster in each field; in the mean time, we measured the depth to water level in drainage ditches along the strip fields and sampled the ditch water for their salinity levels. Weather data analysis showed that the rainfall during the monitoring period was close to the long term average values. Rainfall pattern in the study area is generally in accordance with the potential evapotranspiration, making irrigation only necessary when prolonged dry period appears during the growing season. The monitoring data showed that the drainage ditches have effectively controlled the water table in the crop fields: the depth to water table varied between 1.69 to 2.27 in field A and between 1.24 and 2.18 in field B, while the depth to water level in drainage ditches varied between 1.84 and 2.05 by the field A and between 1.16 and 2.0 by the field B. The salinity of the groundwater in the fields, however, was less variable than that in the drainage ditches: the EC in groundwater varied between 4.72 and 7.51ms/cm in field A and between 6.58 and 11.4 in field B, while the EC in drainage ditches varied between 4.86 and 8.69 by the field A and between 1.9 and 14.75 by the field B. The greater variability of EC in the drainage ditches was caused by the dilution effect of freshwater recharge in the end of the irrigation season, when a large amount of irrigation return flow from an upstream irrigation district was discharged to the study area due to its lower elevation. The elevated water level in the drainage ditches had no significant impact on field water table depth due to the short duration. When no additional freshwater recharge is available, salinity in the drainage ditches increased with time due to evaporation concentration.Findings from this research may provide technical guidance for salinity management in the similar salt affected agricultural regions.
Key words: salinity    drainage ditch    electrical conductivity (EC)    water table depth    farmland    

排水系统作为农田水利基础设施的最主要功能就是及时将田间过多的水分排出农田,起到排涝降渍[1]、维持灌区水盐平衡[2, 3, 4]和控制土壤盐渍化[5, 6, 7]的作用。近年来,大量研究成果[8, 9, 10]显示许多灌区现有的排水系统存在着排水过度问题,这不仅造成下游受纳水体的污染[11, 12, 13]而且还浪费了宝贵的水资源[14, 15, 16]。如何通过工程和管理措施来调控农田水盐均衡,从而实现农业生产的可持续发展是当前我国经济发展和环境保护中亟待解决的科学问题。

在一些半干旱、半湿润灌区内,排水沟由于排水出路受阻,并受到灌溉水或降水、以及来自上游或周边水源的补给,使得排水沟周期性的保持较高水位运行,形成了排水沟蓄水条件,此时区域水盐平衡受到影响[17, 18],农田土壤是否会发生积盐而影响作物正常生长成为关注的焦点。例如,美国加州San Joaquin Valley 灌区因排水中富含有硒元素致使排水出路被封堵后,科研人员开展了大量关于作物在较高地下水位情况下生长的水盐平衡研究[19, 20, 21]。部分研究结果已表明,灌区排水系统运行模式改变后,适当的农田水位管理措施可以满足农业生产可持续发展的要求。


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究区气象条件


图1 研究区气象资料 Fig. 1 The long term average monthly weather data in the study area
1.2 监测点布置


图2 研究区监测断面及监测点布设图 Fig. 2 Layout of the monitoring fields and sampling locations in the study area
1.3 监测项目与分析方法


2 结果与分析 2.1 监测期内研究区月降雨及潜在腾发量


图3 试验期2009年6月25日—2010年10月18日蒸发与降雨量 Fig. 3 Monthly PET and precipitation during the monitoring period
2.2 农田地下水与排水沟水位监测结果分析


图4 A断面排水沟水位及农田地下水埋深变化图 Fig. 4 Depth to water table in field A and its drainage ditch Ag
图5 B断面排水沟水位及农田地下水埋深变化图 Fig. 5 Depth to water table in field A and its drainage ditch Bg



表 1显示出农田A、B断面地下水埋深的变异系数较小,表明其地下水位相对稳定。其中排水沟Bg水位变异系数明显大于沟Ag。由图5可见,排水沟Bg所处的位置使其更易受到自干沟流入的上游灌区退水影响,致使其水位变化较大;而排水沟Ag内水位的变异系数较小,表明其受到退水的影响很小。

表1 农田地下水与排水沟水位监测数据统计一览表 Table 1 Depth to water table measurements in monitoring fields and drainage ditches
监测位置 and Monitoring location最大值/m and Maximum value最小值/m and Minimum value均值/m and Average value标准偏差/m and Standard deviation变异系数 and Variable coefficient
农田A断面 Monitoring A field2.271.692.060.140.07
农田B断面 Monitoring B field2.181.241.790.220.12
排水沟Ag Drainage ditch (Ag)2.051.841.980.060.03
排水沟Bg Drainage ditch (Bg)



2.3 农田地下水与排水沟电导率监测结果分析


图6 A断面3m监测井及排水沟Bg水样电导率变化图 Fig. 6 Measured EC of groundwater from 3m monitoring wells in field A and drainage ditch Ag
图7 B断面3m监测井及排水沟Bg水样电导率变化图 Fig. 7 Measured EC of groundwater from 3m monitoring wells in field B and drainage ditch Bg


表 2显示,农田监测断面地下水电导率均值高于排水沟水样的电导率均值,在0.05的显著性水平上,A断面的差别不显著,B断面的差别显著。农田A、B断面地下水电导率的变异系数较小,表明其含盐量变化不大。B断面排水沟水样电导率的变异系数最大,为0.59,说明观测期间该沟内水体的含盐量发生了较大的变化,这主要是因为B断面排水沟受到外来淡水的补给,使沟内盐分浓度得到稀释的原因;而A断面排水沟受到外来水补给的量很小,沟内水样电导率的变化不大,且与农田地下水电导率变化基本保持一致。

表2 农田地下水与排水沟电导率监测数据统计一览表 Table 2 Salinity measurements in monitoring fields and drainage ditches
监测位置 and Monitoring location水样电导率单位/(ms/cm)
最大值最小值均值标准偏差变异系数t-统计值p值 and (ɑ=0.05)显著性 and Statistical and significance
A断面3m井 3m well in A field7.514.726.550.600.091.830.092不显著
排水沟Ag Drainage ditch (Ag)8.694.866.321.150.18
B断面3m井 3m well in B field11.406.589.660.970.103.320.003显著
排水沟Bg Drainage ditch (Bg)14.751.907.054.140.59
3 结论




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