生态学报  2013, Vol. 34 Issue (20): 5687-5695


施建敏, 叶学华, 陈伏生, 杨清培, 黎祖尧, 方楷, 杨光耀
SHI Jianmin, YE Xuehua, CHEN Fusheng, YANG Qingpei, LI Zuyao, FANG Kai, YANG Guangyao
Adaptation of bamboo to heterogeneous habitat:phenotypic plasticity
生态学报, 2013, 34(20): 5687-5695
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 34(20): 5687-5695


施建敏1, 2, 叶学华3, 陈伏生1, 2, 杨清培1, 2, 黎祖尧1, 2, 方楷1, 2, 杨光耀1, 2     
1. 江西农业大学林学院, 南昌 330045;
2. 江西省竹子种质资源与利用重点实验室, 南昌 330045;
3. 中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093
关键词竹类植物    异质生境    表型可塑性    克隆整合    克隆分工    选择性放置    
Adaptation of bamboo to heterogeneous habitat:phenotypic plasticity
SHI Jianmin1, 2, YE Xuehua3, CHEN Fusheng1, 2, YANG Qingpei1, 2, LI Zuyao1, 2, FANG Kai1, 2, YANG Guangyao1, 2     
1. Forestry College of Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China;
2. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory for Bamboo Germplasm Resources and Utilization, Nanchang 330045, China;
3. Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
Abstract:Since heterogeneity is ubiquitous, plant phenotypic plasticity is a vital ecological countermeasure to adapt to the heterogeneous habitat. Owing to the double modularity, the clonal plant has higher phenotypic plasticity and then acquires higher adaptability than other plants. Bamboo is a group of clonal plants, and mainly composed of woody plants. Bamboo could grow well in the difficult site and heterogeneous habitat where most plants hardly survive. Meanwhile, bamboo can expand rapidly to broad-leaved forest in the bamboo-forest ecotone. Compared with most plants, bamboo has stronger adaptability to heterogenous habitat due to its higher phenotypic plasticity. Thus, in order to advance the development of bamboo ecology, it is necessary to systematically summarize the bamboo phenotypic plasticity and adaptation countermeasures to heterogeneous habitat. Literature analysis shows that bamboo has obvious phenotypic plasticity to respond to heterogeneous habitat. Four realizing ways of phenotypic plasticity including morphological plasticity, selective placement, clonal integration and intraclonal division of labor, are exerted by bamboo to cope with heterogeneous habitat. Firstly, bamboo modifies the morphology, such as height, diameter, leaf area, spacer length, node number, branching angle, biomass etc, to adapt to the changes of above-ground or under-ground resources. The morphological modification is adapted to the resource level. In the poor resource habitat, energy is mainly invested in the constructing of absorbing structures in order to increase resource absorption. In contrast, most energy is invested in the growth of ramet to increase plant biomass in the rich resource habitat. Secondly, bamboo grows more ramets in the fertile microhabitat than that of in the infertile microhabitat. Thus, bamboo can acquire more survival resources and adapt to the unfavorable habitat. The selective placement is achieved by altering the spacer length, branching angle and branching intensity. Clearly, it is an active behavior to adapt to the heterogeneous habitat. Thirdly, clonal integration behavior helps bamboo ramets in unfertile habitat gain resource from those in fertile habitat. Actually, bamboo shoot growth is a typical process of clonal integration, because the new shoot need obtain the nutrients from mother ramets. However, the direction and intensity of clonal integration could be altered with the variation of resource distribution in the heterogeneous habitat. Fourthly, intraclonal division of labor is another important countermeasure to deal with the heterogeneous habitat. Clonal integration and specialization of ramet are two basic prerequisites for intraclonal division of labor. Although many studies of intraclonal division of labor were developed in herbaceous plants, little is known about that in bamboo. Therefore, we need further confirm whether the intraclonal division of labor is commonly used by bamboo. Overall, the present studies focus on modular morphology and biomass allocation pattern, while little attention is paid on the mechanism of phenotypic plasticity. In the future, the researches on bamboo phenotypic plasticity shall be focused on the following 5 aspects: 1) pattern and mechanism of clonal integration; 2) influence of clonal integration on ecosystem stability; 3) mechanism of intraclonal division of labor, and its relationship with environment; 4) hierarchical selection of phenotypic plasticity and the environmental effect; 5) differences of phenotypic plasticity in different types of clonal architecture, and their mechanisms.
Key words: bamboo    heterogeneous habitat    phenotypic plasticity    clonal integration    intraclonal division of labor    selective placement    


竹类植物是一类以木本为主的克隆植物,属禾本科竹亚科。据统计,全球竹类植物约有88属1400余种,大部分是木本种类,其中我国有34属534种,全为木本竹子[16,17]。竹类植物因克隆生长特性而具有更高的表型可塑性,对异质生境有很强的适应能力。研究表明竹类植物的生存能力强,能在很多植物难以生存的高异质生境形成优势群落[18,19,20],特别是淡竹(Phyllostachys glauca)的地下茎(竹鞭)能跨过岩石,在岩石裸露率60%以上的生境顽强生长[18,21]。竹类植物还具有很强的种间竞争力,在与其他群落交错的异质生境中,竹子不断侵入邻近群落占领新生境,扩大竹林面积[22,23,24]。例如浙江天目山自然保护区毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林以年均4.47 hm2的速度扩张,1985年至2003年毛竹林总面积增加了近34倍[22]


1 表型可塑性实现方式

在异质生境中,克隆植物一般采取形态上的可塑性调节,行为上的选择性放置分株,生理上的资源传送与共享(克隆整合)来最大限度地获取和有效利用资源(图 1)[4,11,12,30],有些情况下克隆整合伴随分株形态和(或)生理等功能特化而形成的克隆分工进一步增强了克隆植物对异质生境的适应[31,32]

图 1 克隆植物表型可塑性的主要实现方式及其关系[4, 11, 12, 30] Fig. 1 The main realization ways and its relationships of phenotypic plasticity in clonal plant[4,11,12,30]


2 形态可塑性

克隆植物的形态对不同资源水平和环境条件发生的反应称为形态可塑性[4,34],主要表现为构件、资源吸收结构形态特征与生物量分配等变化[35,36],它是克隆植物适应异质生境的重要方式。在不同的土壤养分、水分和光照资源水平下,竹类植物可以通过形态塑造来适应不同的资源水平。雷竹(Phyllostachys violascens f. prevernalis)随着氮素含量或光照强度的增加,分株数量和生物量显著增加而间隔子明显变短,但分枝角度和根茎节间长度等没有显著变化[37,38,39]。斑苦竹(Pleioblastus maculata)和筇竹(Chimonobambusa tumidinoda)在不同土壤水分梯度下表现出相似的形态适应性变化,两种竹子均随着水分资源有效性的提高,分株的高度、直径、叶面积、间隔子长度、间隔子直径、总生物量相应增加,而分株密度和间隔子总长度减小[40,41,42]

生长在林下的竹类植物对不同林冠环境具有明显的形态可塑反应,但有些形态的可塑反应具有种间差异。在川西亚高山暗针叶林的林缘、大林窗、中林窗和林下,华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)随着林冠郁闭度的增加,分株数、分株与各构件生物量、株高、基径、节数、节间长度、分枝节数、间隔子长度、间隔子直径和分枝强度等逐渐减小,而分枝角度、叶生物量分配百分率、比叶面积和叶面积率不断增大[43,44,45]。缺苞箭竹(Fargesia denudata)和秦岭箭竹(Fargesia qinlingensis)在不同林冠环境的形态可塑性表现与华西箭竹相似,但缺苞箭竹的构件大小和生物量在小林窗中最大[46,47],秦岭箭竹的新竹胸径在中等林窗和大林窗下最大[48]。另有研究表明生长在圆齿水青冈(Fagus crenata)林下和林窗的千岛赤竹(Sasa kurilensis)在比叶重(LMA)上表现出显著差异[49]

在植物群落演替过程中,竹类植物凭借形态可塑性展现出很强的异质生境适应能力。Neohouzeua dulloaDendrocalamus hamiltonii是印度梅加拉亚邦休耕地次生演替的先锋树种,它们在不同年限(5—60a)的休耕地上,分株密度、分株高度、分株基径、节间长度和生物量均有明显可塑反应,其中节间长度、地上生物量和地下生物量均以休耕15a的值最大;这两种竹子的生长和构件结构表现为适应早期演替的高光环境,随休耕年限增长则倾向于把更多生物量和养分分配给地下茎以适应人为干扰[50]。在毛竹向阔叶林扩张形成竹阔混交林的过程中,毛竹的细根在土壤表层(0—20 cm)的分布增加,细根的比根长大幅提高,增强了毛竹的资源获取能力[28]


3 选择性放置




4 克隆整合


克隆整合的方向和强度等格局会对异质生境的资源分布状况表现出较强的可塑性。利用14C标记的试验表明,遮荫会改变克隆植物分株间光合产物传输的量,甚至改变其传输方向[56,58,59]。控制试验的结果显示,在同质和异质资源(水、氮、磷)供应条件下,异质资源的克隆整合强度和方向与同质资源的相比有明显的改变[60,61,62]。Saitoh等人通过15N同位素示踪证明了氮元素容易在密云赤竹(Sasa palmata)分株间传输,而且异质氮供应下的克隆整合作用强于同质氮供应的,整合作用使生长于异质环境中的密云赤竹可充分利用各异质的资源[63]。当相连分株间的“源-汇”梯度被改变时,克隆整合的方向也会随之改变。密云赤竹[56]的遮荫处理表明被处理的分株可以通过克隆整合作用从对照分株获得物质补给。

克隆整合对克隆植物形态特征的可塑性会有修饰作用[4,12,59],当与水分胁迫下的分株相连时,水分充足的Carex hirta分株单位根长的水分吸收速率得到显著提高[61]。但是,Saitoh等人[56]的研究表明,经遮荫处理的密云赤竹分株相对于与之相连的未遮荫分株具有更大的比叶面积(SLA),而且该可塑性特征不因相互间的克隆整合而消失,认为这是密云赤竹对弱光环境适应的结果,有利于增强其对有限光资源的利用。

5 克隆分工




6 总结与展望









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